Bring on the Drama

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Chatper 19

Bring on the Drama

        You slowly lowered the phone away from your face. You couldn't believe that just happened. ''[Yn], what happened girl?'' ''Yeah, whats wrong?'' Monique and Chelsea asked you with deep concern. Your heart was beating fast and you felt like you were choking; soon to follow were the tears. You cried so much that your vision was blurry from the waterworks. Your friends kept asking you what was wrong, but you were too choked up to speak. You closed your eyes and squatted to the ground. Monique picked you up with your arm and gave you a hug. You three turned around and headed past 1035 back to your room. What just happened?

        You all were now laying in bed. You lay in between your too best friends. They cuddled you and wiped your tears away. ''[Yn], you gotta tell us what happened....'' You finally managed to choke out something, ''Ah-Ah I got yelled aa-at by someone,'' *Sniff Sniff*, ''He cuu--cussed me out and was like 'dont call this fuckin number aaa-aagin'.'' Monique sat up and looked at you, '''IT BETTER HAVE NOT BEEN DIGGY!'' ''No, it wasn't him.'' ''Good,'' she said with relief, ''Cus it woulda been over,'' she said sliding her hand under her neck. Monique was a tough girl. She wasn't the one to be played with. She'd cut a bitch, literally. Chelsea just laid there quietly and kept cuddling. She whispered to you, ''It'll be alright [Yn].'' She was super sweet and nurturing. Mo and Chels were complete opposites, but they balanced out perfectly. The most important part about this was the fact that they had your back. It felt good being able to trust them. Who could you nowadays? ''How many times did you call Diggy?'' You sat up in confusion, ''Never, I never did once. Only time I did was at lunch when y'all didn't believe me and he didn't even answer. Remember? But I promise, he always called me... The most I did was text him, which I did rarely...'' ''So who got a hold of his number besides you?'' You thought, who was it? Then, the light bulb went off. You turned red and jumped out the bed. ''THAT BITCH ROXANNE! SHE WAS THE ONE THAT DID THIS SHIT. I NEVER ONCE CALLED DIGGY. UUUGGGGH!'' Mo and Chels got up to calm you down. They understood why you got so mad but didn't want anyone to come knocking on the door. But ummm, too late. There was a knock. Chelsea went over and answered it. ''Yes ma'am everything is fine. Sorry.'' She shut the door and looked at you. ''See how loud that was [Yn]?'' You took deep breathes and relaxed a bit. ''Just wait til I see her at school, she not ready.'' ''[Yn], violence is not always the way to handle things..'' ''Chelsea SHUT UP! [Yn] has a right to be pissed. That bitch deserves this.'' Chelsea shrugged her shoulders and walked off. Mo sat next to you on the couch, ''Whatever happens, I got your back boo.''

        ''Just what I needed,'' you said as you guys headed back to the room. Instead of staying in your room and crying about the situation, you decided to use this free stay to its advantage. You guys went swimming, ate at a restaurant in the hotel, then got massages. ''I feel like a queen,'' Monique said as she laid on the bed. ''So do I,'' added Chelsea, ''I'm glad you feel better [Yn],'' she said looking at you. ''Me too girl, I'm glad y'all are here.'' The sun was about to set. ''Hey y'all, lets go on the balcony and watch the sunset.'' You all got up quickly and left the room. You went to the hotels big balcony, which over looked the city. It was such a beautiful ending to a fun day with your girls. The three of you stood there and watched together. Once the sun sunk into the ground, you stayed on the balcony and talked. The setting was nice. The hotel had beautiful lights all over. ''So [yn],'' have you and Diggy kissed yet?'' Hearing his name made you jump a little. You forgot about what happened, until now. ''Naaa, he did kiss my forehead though, haha.'' ''Close enough, shoot.'' You just sat and talked about Diggy and school. ''I'm so glad that summer is almost here!'' ''OMG, me too. Can't wait to turn up.'' ''You and that turn up shit is gettin real old, hahaha.'' ''Whatever.'' Yeah, you loved being with your friends. You couldn't wait to spend the summer with them. It was the last one before college. With college approaching, you had to start thinking about what you wanted to do. A lot of growing up had to be done. But for now, you wanted to enjoy the moment. Besides, Monique was right though, you had to make the most of it though.

        You guys headed back to the room. You took your showers one by one, ate some snacks and watched TV. You guys had to check out tomorrow by 3:00. ''I had so much fun, like seriously.'' You laid in bed and just kept talking, mainly about schoool. You mentioned how you dreamed of going to New York and becoming a stylist, Chelsea wanted to be a nurse & Monique considered doing cosmetology. Very different paths but you all had one thing in common, you wanted to make that paper. You would be going your seperate ways, thats why it was crucial that you spent as much time as you could with your girls. They were your everything. You all soon drifted off into sleep. ''Oh, yes Diggy, Mmmmm. Right there daddy...'' Monique and Chelsea sat up and looked at you. They laughed and turned over.

End of Chapter 19.

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