The Knock at the Door

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Chapter 17

The Knock at the Door

        You sat up after hearing a knock at the door, hoping it was Diggy. After making your way over to the peep hole, you saw who it was. ''Housekeeping!'' -_- ''Ugh really?'' You opened the door and she handed you a few fresh towels. ''Have a goodnight Ma'am.'' ''Thank you.'' You were disappointed, but oh well. You had the rest of the weekend with him, right? You decided that you would take a nice, warm shower. You undressed yourself. The bathroom was beautiful. The counter tops and flooring were all marble. The sink was see-through, accompanied by beautiful rocks. After admiring the beauty of the bathroom, you hopped in the shower. As the warm water hit your body, you couldn't stop thinking about Diggy. He really showed you a good time. Not to mention how handsome he was. Everything about him was perfect. You went through the whole date in your head. You remembered how uneasy he looked whenever he mentioned his ex... Who was she? You got out the shower and slipped on your jammies. You had this whole hotel room to yourself for the weekend. You walked around and tried to find something to do. You looked at your vibrating phone. It was your mom. ''Ooops.'' You forgot to call her. ''Hey ma...'' ''Don't hey ma me, where are you!'' ''The hotel rememeber?'' ''Oh yeah, sorry baby. You know how I get. Are you okay?'' ''Yes ma, I'm fine.. I'm in my hotel roo...'' ''HOTEL ROOM, WITH WHO?'' ''Ma, calm down, I'm alone hahaha.'' Oh... yes I should relax. I just miss you.'' I miss you too ma.'' ''How was dinner [yn]?'' ''Awesome, can't wait to tell you all about it.'' ''Great baby, I love you. Please be safe.'' ''I love you too.'' You also had some texts messages to reply to. You texted Mo & Chels that you'd be out all weekend, you didn't bother saying Diggy so they asked with who? You texted them and simply said a friend. You'd think by now they'd believe you. I mean, how could they be so naive? Whatever. They would get the proof they need one day. You told everyone ''Goodnight :-).'' You put your hair up into a pineapple bun and soon began to feel sleepy. You jumped into your big queen sized beg and got nice and comfy. You looked out the window at the beautiful city. This was so perfect. You as flicked through the channels, you got really sleepy, dozing off...

        Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. You sat up in your bed. *Knock knock* You slowly got up and walked towards it. You peeped to see who it was. It was Diggy. ''Diggy?'' You stepped back in confusion. What was he doing at your door? You slowly opened it. He didn't say a word, he was just staring at you. He suddenly grabbed your face with his hand and kissed you. As you kissed, he made you step back and he pulled the door. You pulled away to catch your breathe. You were both looking into each others eyes. You wanted more of him. He grabbed you by your waist and starting making out with you. During the kiss, you felt his hands moving down to your butt, which he was now squeezing. He let go of your lips and starting kissing and sucking your neck. Your body began to feel really warm. With each breathe, you inhaled some of his cologne. Diggy pulled away and picked you up. You continued making out as he brought you towards the bed. As he held you close, you felt something in his pants rubbing against you. He slowly placed you on the bed and laid on top of you. You wrapped your arms around him and let him do as he pleased. He starting to pull your pants down but suddenly, you woke up. ''DAMN IT!'' These fantasies with Diggy were out of line. You sat up and checked your phone, Diggy sent a text: Goodnight Beautiful. I'll see you at 10. You turned off the TV and turned over. You then fell asleep, again.

        You opened your eyes and met the sunlight. You forgot to close your hotel windows. You got out the bed and shut them closed. You yawned and walked over to check your phone. It was 9:08. You felt well rested and woke up in a great mood. Besides that dream you wished was real, the night before was indeed magical. You went to the bathroom to freshen up. You came out and just stared around the beautiful room. You decided to lay your outfit out for the day. Suddenly, there was a knock. You ran over and peeped. It was room service. ''Good Morning Ma'am,'' she said as she pushed in a huge cart. ''Please enjoy.'' As the housekeeper exited, you looked around at what was on it. There was french toast, waffles, a wide variety of fruits, OJ, and a huge vase with flowers. You sniffed the flowers and took off the note attached. You grabbed a strawberry and read it. ''Good Morning Beautiful. I'm so sorry but I had to take the first flight out to get to an important meeting. I will be seeing you again, and soon.'' You sat on the bed and stared off with disappointment. There was more to read but you stopped after the first sentence...

End of Chapter 17.

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