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Chapter 4


        ''Alright ladies, please be safe. Stay together & take lots of pics okay,'' said your mom with a smile as she pulled up to the arena. ''Yes ma'am,'' you, Mo, & Chels said in unison. Your heart was beating a million miles per hour. You were experiencing so many emotions at once. Excitement, nerves, fear & butterflies all at once. It was a lot to take in. ''Should I wait in line with y'all,'' your mom insisted. ''No ma. We good.'' As you, Chelsea & Monique got out the car, you all stare with your mouths open at what you were seeing---the lines. It was packed. It was so many other girls attending as well. What did you expect though, it was a Diggy concert. ''Have fun ladies,'' your mom said as she drove off down the street. All three of you began walking towards the arena. As you got closer, the more and more you saw other girls. It was crazy packed. ''Alright girls, lets do this,'' said Chels. After about 5 minutes of walking, you guys found a spot in line. ''I wonder when they gone let us in... And what in the hell is she wearing,'' yelled Monique in astonishment. But seriously, some of these outfits were ridiculous! ''Monique please stop, not tryin to start drama with none of these females,'' you insisted. ''Yes, just chill,'' agreed Chels. Some of the outfits were a bit over the top. You looked down at yourself. You wore a cute floral top, with jean shorts and sandals. Mo & Chels had on typical concert clothes too. You looked around and saw other girls. You closely examined tight-fitted short dresses, high heels, and other things that just seemed way too over the top for this concert. One girl had on shorts that literally looked as though her ass was eating the shorts. You just shrugged your shoulders and began talking to your friends. About 15 minutes later, you heard screams. At all once all the girls outside the arena began running towards a certain direction. You and the girls looked at one another. Since you couldn't make out who or what it was, you played it smart & got further up in line as the others were distracted and star struck. ''I wonder who it is.'' Time went on and on. ''What time does this thing start.'' ''At 7:00.'' It was only 6:30. Suddenly, the line began to move. You started feeling those butterflies. You were one step closer to Diggy. As you saw the door up ahead, you began searching for the tickets in your purse. ''U got the tickets right [Yn],'' asked Monique with concern. ''Yes, here you go,'' you said relieved as you handed them both their tickets. ''Hi there ladies, tickets please.'' Each of you handed your ticket to a door-worker. They scanned the tickets & in you were. ''Phew.'' As you headed inside and towards your seats, you saw a familiar face---Roxanne. It was her and her two minions. ''Great, just great.'' She was busy talking to someone but she must have felt you staring at her because she immediately looked up & saw you. She began walking towards you and your girls. ''Here she go,'' said Mo, ''Can't stand this bitch.'' You stared hard as she walked over. Where was she going, the strip club? She had on a tight ass dress that was nearly see through and some high heels. ''Hey y'all,'' she said with a fake smile, ''you guys look cute.'' ''Yeah, but I mean not as cute as us though,'' added one of the minions named Dasia. ''Whatever, now bitch be gone,'' said Monique. All three of them rolled their eyes and walked off. ''See you around [Yn],'' Roxanne said as she walked of with a smirk. You all laughed it off and headed towards your seats. ''Okay, this is us.'' It was section A row 8. ''These are some pretty great seats,'' you said with a huge smile. ''Yeah, we had to get our tickets early,'' Chelsea said. You were finally here. You sat down in your seat and took it all in. Only moments stood between you and seeing Diggy on stage. The noise of the arena faded out as you gazed off.

        Suddenly, the arena went pitch black. Loud screams roared through the crowded room. The stage lit up as the opening act began. It was some local artists that you didn't recognize. Ususally openers were new artists. You all stood up and started dancing to the music. He did about 2 songs and went off. ''Thank you guys, I love you,'' he yelled as he headed off. ''Who was that,'' you asked Chelsea. ''I don't know, but he was cute!'' ''Indeed,'' added Mo. Next up was the OMG Girlz. They came running on stage with lots of energy. They all had on different colored hair and outfits but somehow still managed to match. ''They're cute.'' They performed a few songs. You weren't too familiar with their stuff but you sang in with the chorus. ''Gucci this gucci that, gucci everything [3x]. Louis this louis that, louis everything [3x]. Give me this give me that, give me everything [3x]. Killin this killin that, killing everything [2x].'' ''Now y'all know dang well we dont own anything they just said,'' said Mo as you all laughed. After their last song, they thanked you & went off. Now the show started. Time for the boys. Jacob Latimore was up next and you know it was about to get crazy. He literally ran on stage. ''How y'all doing tonight ladies!!!!'' The girl a few seats over screamed SUPER LOUD & fainted. She was caught thankfully by her friends. ''Whoa.'' The crowd went nuts. He starting performing ''Like em all'' which featured Diggy so you got really excited. Jacob danced like crazy & was super hyped. You waited for Diggy's part to come on so you could see him but sadly the song changed. ''Awh man.'' Oh well, Jacob was still killing it though. He was super cute and had an amazing smile. Jacob did a pose and suddenly his dancers picked him up and moved him to a different part of the stage. After they put him down, he started dancing again. ''Wooo, that was live,'' said Monique. You and Chelsea laughed. After a couple more songs, he took left. It was so amazing being able to see the artists live. It was too much to sink it. Up next was Mindless Behavior. The crowd was the loudest it had ever been all night. Girls were going H.A.M. MB came on stage and owned it. They were such amazing dancers. The whole arena sang along with them. They of course performed Mrs. Right, which has Diggy in it. So again you waited for him...but sadly, no show. ''Wow thats crazy,'' you thought. ''don't worry he's next,'' said a girl next to you.

        After MB left the stage, your heart starting pounding hard.... It was finally here. Theeee moment. The arena went black and the screen came on. It was a video of Diggy. You started screaming really hard. Suddenly the screen started a count down at 10 seconds. The whole crowd started counting. ''10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.'' Everyone screamed! Then Dj SpinKing, Diggy's DJ, appeared on stage in his booth. He had a red light shining on him. ''If y'all wanna see a show, everybody say 'DIG-GEE!' The entire arena yelled back, "DIG-EEE!" He repeated it and so did y'all. After a couple more times, the whole arena went black again. There was a dark blue light shined on center stage. You saw a dark silhouette and knew it was him. You couldn't breathe. You yelled for so long that you choked. OMG, it was Him. Diggy. He ran on stage and stood there staring at the crowd. He stood there for a full minute. Diggy stood there looking like a god, as all the girls in the crowd screamed. He stood there and took it all in. He began to smile then suddenly stopped smiling and looked serious again. He had on a leather red jacket with spikes, a black versace shirt, dark jeans and red studded shoes. Shades covered his eyes. ''He's so gorgeous,'' yelled Monique. ''DIGGY HAVE MY BABY,'' some random chick yelled. A few of y'all stopped and gave her a crazy look. Anyway, so Diggy finally starting rapping. He performed Two up, Hustle Simmons, The Reign & Glow in the Dark. Glow in the dark was pretty cool to watch. The whole arena was lid up with glow sticks. After that, he took it all the way back to his first Mixtape, First Flight. ''Alright ladies, its time to slow it down.'' He grabbed a towel and wiped off his sweat, then he threw it into the crowd. Where ever it landed, the girls fought for it. He drunk some water. ''Ladies make some noise,'' commanded Dj SpinKing. Diggy grabbed a chair and stood there. The crowd went crazy. He then opened the chair slowly. The crowd, again, went crazy. He grabbed the mic and asked, ''who wants to be my four letter word tonight?'' Everyone raised their hands and screamed. He took off his jacket and on stage came a guy. He was chubby. You recognized him. His name was Perry, Dig's Road Manager. He and Dig stood there and searched the crowd. When Diggy overlooked your section, you got a great look at him. His complexion was so gorgeous. He was flawless and his lips were perfect. You tried to raise a bit higher, hoping you'd get called. He was staring in your direction and pointed at you. ''Omg [YN], Go Go Go,'' your friends yelled. Both Diggy & Perry pointed at you, or what you thought was you. As you looked closer, you saw that it was actually someone else behind you two rows. And that someone else was Roxanne. ''You have got to be kidding me.'' She screamed and ran off with body guard towards the stage. You were pissed, extremely. Your friends looked at you with disappointment. ''Its okay [yn].'' Suddenly, Roxanne was on stage. She took a seat and glanced at you. She smirked and made a funny face. Your clenched your jaw and balled your fist. ''This bitch.'' You wished it could have been you, well anyone but her. She sat there and watched as Diggy approached her with a bouquet of Roses. She took them and smiled. He looked into her eyes and smiled at her. ''Whats your name ma?'' '' 'Roxanne' ,'' she yelled into the mic. Four letter word came on. He began singing to her. The crowd went crazy, everyone except you. She really enjoyed seeing you miserable. This topped it off, he kissed her forehead. The entire arena went crazy, well, everyone except you! You were done for the night. After the performance, Diggy sat down in the chair after Roxanne was escorted off stage. He talked about the importance of having a dream and working toward it. He then thanked the crowd and left. You were still pissed. ''Great concert,'' said Chelsea. ''Yeah,'' you mummbled real low.

End of Chapter 4.

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