Prom Night

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Chapter 66

Prom Night

                      You stood in your driveway along side Donte but stared at Daniel. At this moment, you were completely loss for words. The two of you stared at one another for a while. Donte, completely caught off guard from Daniels unexpected arrival (see how well I throw that in there lol) just stood there and stared at the both of you. The once loud and crazy limo was now staring. Your parents even had the blinds from the living room window cracked. Honestly, everyone was staring at this point. You looked up at Donte, who had such worry and disappointment in his eyes, and then you looked back at Daniel. After that you looked back at Donte and tried to speak but nothing honestly came out, ''Don...I...I.,'' you choked out. He anxiously awaited your response, hoping you wouldn't do what he dreaded---leave him. You looked into his sad eyes but couldn't find the words to say. What could you say honestly? You slowly started walking towards Daniel. But then you felt a tug on your hand, causing you to turn and look at Donte, then he said, ''Please [yn], don't do this right now.'' You didn't say anything, you just kept shaking your head. At that moment, your vision became a bit blurry from the tears. You wiped your eyes and then pulled your hand from his. ''Really, really [yn],'' he choked out. Those words pierced you so hard in the gut. All you did was turn away and walk towards Daniel. ''[Yn], after all I did to try and make things better,'' Donte yelled in the distance. You heard what Donte said but you were focused on Daniel. You and Daniel stared at one another as the two of you watch the distance between the both of you decrease by the second. As you got closer and closer, you noticed this uneasy look on Daniels face. Before you got too close, he turned away and said something to his driver. The driver then nodded a yes and proceeded to open the back seat door. You watched as Daniel got inside, following the driver shutting the door. ''Oh no,'' you said to yourself. The driver then took one last glance at you and got inside the front seat. Diggy didn't even look at you, he faced the front. You heard the engine start and soon the car disappeared from the sidewalk. ''Oh my gosh,'' you said breathing really hard. Daniel left you standing on the edge of your driveway. You turned around and looked at Donte. At this point, he was furious. He shook his head and started walking over to the limo. You tried to go and talk to him, but what could you say? ''DONTE, DONTE WAIT!'' You tried to grab his arm but he pulled away, ''Don't touch me,'' he said looking into your eyes. He then turned away and stared walking towards the limo. He, just as Daniel, left you standing there alone. Everyone in the limo just stared at you. Moments later, the limo was down the street. You were now standing in your empty driveway, alone and dateless. Your throat started to feel really tight at this point. Even though you had on an expensive dress, you knelled down and sat on your driveway. Suddenly, you heard foot steps approaching you. '' what happened?'' You simply ignored your parents. You felt a hand rub your back slowly up and down, trying to comfort you. ''Baby girl,'' your dad said, ''It'll be....'' He couldn't even finish his sentence. No one could speak. ''Let's give her some time to think Daryl.'' He agreed and the both of them were now inside. There you sat alone on your driveway. ''Some prom night this is,'' you said wiping your face. You sat there for at least 15 minutes in silence doing nothing but thinking. You thought about all the shit you went through with Daniel. All the stupid and pointless arguments. Then how much Donte made such a huge effort to be there for you. You couldn't really decide between them both. Why was it that your boyfriend was being the asshole and the asshole was being like a good boyfriend. ''UGH!'' You didn't notice but a car pulled along side your driveway. Your mind was gone, you didn't bother looking up. A car door slammed, but you kept your head down. The sound of foot steps were coming closer and closer. *Click* *Click* *Click* The clicking noises stopped and now he stood in front of you. You looked up and saw his face, then you looked back down. He didn't say anything but sat right next to you on your driveway pavement. The two of you sat there is silence. *Cough-cough* ''I don't wanna argue anymore,'' you said softly to him. ''Me either baby,'' he said looking at you. ''I'm so sorry [yn]. I know I....Can you please look at me,'' he asked politely. You slowly turned your head and your eyes met. He looked at you with deep concern. He could see that you had been crying, so he reached for the hanker-chief from his suit pocket. ''Give me your face,'' he said holding your chin with his finger. He wiped off the make up that ran down your cheeks. After he finished, he put the hanker-chief back inside his pocket. ''I know I haven't been the best boyfriend to you. You deserve to be treated so much better. I just, I get so busy.'' There goes the ''b'' word, he continued, ''I've failed to realize that when you're in a relationship with someone, you gotta sacrifice time. I been neglecting you like crazy and that's not gone fly wit me,'' he said shaking his head, ''No longer will it be about me. I promise,'' he said rubbing your face, ''I haven't had a girlfriend in so long, not to mention someone as special as you.'' You were now smiling, ''Do you forgive me [yn]?'' ''Yeah, I do,'' you said smiling, ''I don't like it when we fight.'' ''Me either.'' ''How are we going to make things better?'' ''It starts with me taking you to your prom,'' he said grinning. You blushed. He stood up, then held his hand out to help you up. ''You look so beautiful babe, incredible,'' he said looking you up and down. ''Thank you. You look nice too Daniel.'' ''Oh, stop,'' he said being silly. You both laughed. He then reached in his bag and dug out a corsage. ''Daaaamn,'' you said lookin at it. He laughed. When he reached for your hand, he noticed Donte's still on your arm. He took off Donte's and threw it in the bushes. ''HAHAHA, DANIEL!'' He chuckled, then placed his on your arm. To be honest, Donte's was nice but it wasn't anything compared to Daniels. It had real, black roses and diamonds all on it. Pretty ribon and your name inside a heart. ''This is so beautiful,'' you said looking at him. ''You deserve that and so much more,'' he said, then he pulled you into his chest and held you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, ''I missed you so much.'' ''I missed you too Dan.'' You had a long and passionate hug. You, once again, buried your face into his chest. ''Hahaha, babe..C'mon now,'' he said laughing. ''Are you ready?'' ''Yes.'' He took your hand and walked you to the Bugatti. The driver said hello before opening your door. Once you got inside, you said closely next to each other. He wrapped his arm around you and held you close. He wasn't letting go this time.

End of Chapter 66.

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