Thinking of A Master Plan

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Chapter 84

Thinking of A Master Plan

                    You and Daniel started heading to the couch to join everyone else. “How you been son,’’ your dad asked standing up to shake his hand. He let go of his grip from around you to complete the gesture, “I’ve been quite alright and yourself Sir?’’ Your dad smiled from Daniels charm, “Same here. Thank you.” “Of course and how about you Pretty Lady,’’ he asked smirking at your mom. She blushed. This nigga could make any female blush. “Why thank you Daniel and I’ve been just fine.” He leaned over to give her a warm hug. ‘’That’s good to hear ma’am,’’ he said smiling. He took his attention from your mom and scanned the room to see who else he needed to greet. Darnell was next. You stood behind Daniel and nervously watched to see what would happen. ‘’Hey, how you doing,’’ Daniel asked sticking his fist out towards Darnell. He faked a smile and balled his fist up, “I’m good and you,” he said bumping his fist. “What’s your name my dude?” “I’m Darnell but you can call me D or Nell.” “Oh okay. I’m Daniel but I go by Diggy.” Darnell nodded. *Phew* Lol, that wasn’t too bad though. Lastly, Daniel greeted Chelsea. “Hi,” she said blushing. You watched her eyes light up from his smile. “Hey Sweetie,” he said hugging her. Once all that boring stuff was done, he turned to you and grabbed your hand. He led you to a separate part of the couch. Once you both sat down, he put his arm around you and pulled you into his chest. This was heaven for you. He kissed your forehead and asked, “You okay?” “Mhm.” The living room was silent for a moment before your mom spoke, “Haha, that’s the most she’s done all evening. I’m glad you were able to come.” “Well you know, this was important. I knew I needed to be here for her,” he responded, while rubbing your arm softly. You looked at his face and smiled. He made things a bit better by being here. Daniel was damn near perfect. His presence was so amazing. The vibe in the room had definitely changed. “Are you going to miss something important,” you asked quietly into his ear. He looked at you and responded, “Babe, you are what’s important. Don’t worry about my flight. Okay,” he said kissing your forehead. “You guys are so cute, I SWEAR,” Monique yelled. You blushed a little bit from that. But you guys were super cute. NO LIE. “So how’s your music going Diggy,” Chelsea asked looking at him. “Real good, I’m in the process of making another mix tape (Y’all when tf Dig mix tape supposed to drop though? Real talk….). I been back in forth from city to city recording. It’s been crazy but I love what I do.” Everyone nodded. “Aye, you think you can hook me up with a music deal, ahaha,” Darnell asked laughing. “Ummmm, I’ll see what I can do,” Dan said sarcastically, both laughing. Everyone else started laughing too. Thank God for Daniel’s spirit, it lightened the whole room. "You into music though D,” Digg asked a bit serious. “Ugh, I mean I got a few rhymes but nothing serious.” “Oh okay then.” “Yeah, so your dad is Rev Run,” he asked in interest. “Mhm, I….” Suddenly his phone vibrated, then started ringing. “Sorry Nell, gimme a second,” he answered the phone, “Hey Perry…….yeah……..yeah…..mhm… yeah come inside,” *hangs up phone.* “Whose Perry,” Mo asked smacking on some gum. “My road manager, you’re about to meet him.” **Knock-Knock-Knock** “I’ll get it,” Mo said getting up. Once she opened the door, she greeted him. “Hey everyone,” Perry yelled. His New York accent was so strong. Goodness lol. He went in a circle, shaking people’s hands. Once he got to you, he stared at you. Your face was still puffy and swollen. “Hey Sweetie,” he said softly, “You alright, what happened,” he asked looking at everyone. It was silent because no one really wanted to recap what just happened. “Her ex-boyfriend attacked her,” Monique finally said. Perry stood back with his mouth wide open, “WHAT? WOOOOW! Did y’all call the police or nah?” You looked at your parents to see what their reaction would be to that statement, your mom said, “No, we haven’t. At least not yet.” “Oh okay,” he said with sympathy. He looked at you and rubbed your forehead. “Yeah, basically,” Chelsea started speaking, “After prom yesterday, I overheard him mentioning ‘paying her a visit’ and what not. I knew he wasn’t up to no good, so that’s why I told my cousin Darnell,” she said pointing to him, “That we need to go and watch for him.” Perry and Diggy both looked at each other in amazement, shaking their heads. Dan started to get a bit upset and you could see it. He was breathing extra hard and what not. He looked at Perry and said, “That’s we need to talk to them about the plan.” “What plan,” you asked lifting your head from Daniels chest. Daniel sat up, looking at parents, then said, “I want [yn] to move to New York with me.” Their facial expressions were so priceless. They looked angry, confused and afraid all at once. “OMG NO WAY,” Monique said standing up. You didn’t know what to say. “I-I don’t know about that Daniel.” “Mom, why not???” “I don’t want you out in New York City, what about school,” your dad asked with this concerned look on his face. “I can go to Parsons!” “AND WHO IN THE HELL IS GOING TO PAY THAT HIGH ASS SCHOOL BILL!” His loud yell took everyone by surprise. “I’ll pay,” Daniel said looking him straight in the eye. He didn’t have another jab to respond with. Your mom looked at your dad and said, “Daryl, we can’t let Daniel pay for her schooling. That’s our duty as parents.” “There’s no need to worry about that because she’s not going to New York.” “Yes I am,” you said looking your father straight in the eye. He tilted his head to the side and said, “YOUR ASS AIN’T GOING NO DAMN WHERE!” You stood up and yelled, “YES I AM DADDY AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME. I’M 18. BESIDES, I’M NOT EVEN SAFE IN MY OWN DAMN NEIGHBORHOOD. I DON’T WANT TO LIVE HERE ANYMORE!” The whole room was silent. This was really intense. Daniel tugged you and whispered, “Sit down, please.” You sat down and started crying. It was completely understandable as to why you wanted to leave. These past few months have been nothing but HELL. You wanted to escape and break away from all your troubles and start over. Was that too much to ask for? “Babe, stop,” Daniel said trying to comfort you. Perry took a deep breath and said, “I know it’s been a long night for everyone. Maybe we should discuss this ano…’’ You interrupted him, “THERE’S NO NEED TO DISCUSS THIS ANOTHER TIME, ITS GOING TO HAPPEN REGARDLESS!” “YOU NEED TO LOWER YOUR VOLUME A FEW DECIBELS [YN]!” You sighed and laid back against the sofa. Chelsea, Monique, and Darnell just kind of sat there and side-eyed each other. “Look, Perry is right. Let’s talk about this another time. Way too much to process right now,” your dad said softly. On that note, you stood up. You felt Daniel’s hand grab yours but you pulled away; you stormed into your room and slammed the door. “Things have been pretty tough on her lately,” Chelsea said through the silence, “Maybe a fresh start is what she needs.” No one said anything. Your parents just sat there and thought. “I’m going to file a report on Donte,” she said heading for the house phone, “I think we should call it a night on things. Thank you so much for all that you’ve done,” she said hugging everyone. “Yes, and thank you Darnell for being such a hero tonight,” Monique said smiling at him. “Oh, it was nothing. Glad I could help,” he said smiling. Everyone said their goodbyes. Darnell started heading up the stairs towards your room. No one noticed but Daniel. He stood up and slowly followed him while everyone else stood at the door, talking. **Knock-Knock** you lifted your head from your pillow and starred at the door, “Who is it?” “Darnell.” Darnell??? You sat up and told him to come in. “Hey, I was just checking on you. You doing okay?” He stepped inside and approached you. Daniel stood just outside the door, peeping inside a bit. “I’m okay, it’s just been a long day, that’s all.” “Yeah, I understand.” “Thanks for having my back though.” “Oh, no problem [yn]. I’m here if you ever need anything, alright?” You smiled from how genuine he was, “Got it,” you said smiling. His green eyes captivated you. It was as though you were in some kind of trance. He was so damn fine. DAMN! Daniel, who was still outside listening, noticed how silent it was. Nervous and curious, he stepped inside and found the two of you staring into each other’s eyes. Harmless but he still wanted to watch out for you. Darnell must have felt his presence because he quickly turned around, as if he was doing something wrong. They both starred at each other; you sat and watched. Daniel continued walking inside the room before he stopped and stood next to Darnell. Darnell looked at you and said, “I think I should go now. I’ll catch you later,” then he turned to Daniel and said, “It was a pleasure meeting you Digg.” They both smiled at each other and shook hands. As soon as Darnell started heading for the door, Daniels fake smile then turned into this ‘whatever face’. He rolled his eyes and wiped hand on his pants. You laughed a bit, “What was that about babe?” “Nothing,” he said laughing. He crawled on the bed towards you, then sat in front of you. “I’m sorry you keep going through so much, I wish I could take it all away,” he said kissing your hand. You smiled, then looked a bit sad; reflecting over all the drama that manifested in these past few months. Life was so unbearable right now. “You okay ma?” He noticed down you looked. The tears that started to race down your puffy cheeks was the answer to his question. He nodded, then pulled you into his chest. Daniel cuddled you. “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll find a way to get you outta this place. Just trust me okay?” You looked him in the eyes and nodded. He smiled at your pretty face, then pulled your face to his, gently kissing your lips softly. Relief from all this drama would become soon, real soon.

End of Chapter 88

(88 88 88 88 lol)

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