Prom Night IV

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Chapter 69

Prom Night IV

                      The moment you dreaded was now in full effect. Donte and Daniel were staring right into each others eyes. You stood there, heart pounding and anxiously awaiting for either response. It felt like the room stopped completely. Up until this moment, you were scared for what could happen. What was about to happen? At first it was just you that stood still but then Monique, then Kori, then a few other people that stood by started to stare at them. Donte and Daniel looked at each other with the same facial expression, complete disgust of each other. You knew this wouldn't end well. ''What do you think you're doing,'' Daniel asked looking him up and down. ''Just tryna dance with [yn], that's it,'' Donte responded with a smirk. That smirk pissed Daniel off because you watched as he clenched up his fist. Donte noticed him do this as well. ''What, you talkin about doing something with that fist,'' Donte said laughing. All of a sudden, Daniel motioned his finger for Donte to follow. That little group of people including you were now walking outside of the dance hall and into a hallway. You followed in fear and prayed a fight wouldn't break out. That was the last thing you wanted to happen. Now you all stood in a circle in a secluded hallway. It was quiet, well until now. You stood infront of Daniel and held his hand. You whispered into his ear, ''Please don't Dan.'' You felt your whole body move as though Daniel pushed you trying to get to Donte. ''DAN! STOP! Babe he's not worth it.'' He looked at you and started taking deep breathes. ''Yeah, listen to your girl,'' Donte said laughing. You looked at Donte, then said, ''Are you being serious right now Donte?'' He shrugged. You continued to speak, ''You're so pathetic, I swear.'' He stopped smirking and looked a bit serious now, ''You are being a complete asshole and you know it. This is my prom night and I refuse to let you ruin it for me.'' He looked like he was about to start crying, well, almost. ''YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO BE MY PROM DATE [YN]!'' A random guy from the group coughed, *cough* *cough* ''BITCH.'' *cough* *cough*, *ahem* Everyone laughed. Then it got serious again. ''DONTE, HE'S MY FREAKIN BOYFRIEND. LOOK, YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE WITH ME. UNFORTUNATELY, KARMA DID WHAT HAD TO BE DONE!'' Everyone was like, ''Ooooooooo.'' Everyone was speechless at this point. ''LOOK DONTE, I KNOW YOU WENT ALL OUT TO MAKE UP FOR WHAT YOU DID, BUT I GUESS IT WASN'T ENOUGH,'' you started to calm down, ''I felt bad about what I did. Leaving you alone on the driveway and all but now I don't because I can truly see how much of an ass you still are.'' You paused, one to take a breathe and two to look at Daniel, ''When I saw Daniel pull up, I just couldn't leave him,'' Daniel smiled at you, ''I mean, what was I suppose to do? He's treated me better these past few months then you did in years. He's shown me what a true gentleman is. I love him.'' Whoa, did you just really say that? Once you said those three words, Donte was done. He walked off with his head down and left. You watched your past return where he had came from. It was over. Well, at least for now. Monique and Kory started clapping as though you just nailed some performance. ''Wow [yn], that was deep girl,'' Kory said shaking his head. Monique agreed. The entire group was now smiling at you, even Daniel. You looked at Daniel, then he said, ''Can y'all give us a few minutes.'' ''Hell yeah,'' some random guy said laughing. Everyone laughed and walked out. Now it was only you and Daniel in the hallway. He didn't say anything, he just stared at you with this huge grin on his face. He pulled you into him, ''Come here,'' he said grabbing your face. He pecked your lips, slowly. He pulled away a little bit, then looked into your eyes, ''I'm so proud of you baby.'' You smiled and said, ''Thank you. I mean, I just got tired of his bullshit, you know. He alwa....'' ''Just shut up and kiss me,'' he said pulling your face towards his. You made out in the hallway for what seemed like forever. He moved his hand from your face and wrapped both his arms around your waist. He pulled away from your bottom lip, ''I love you too [yn].'' You looked at him, what? Whenever you said you loved him, you were caught in the moment with arguing with Donte. Truth was, you felt strongly about Daniel but just didn't know when you'd say it. You imagined saying it during like some romantic dinner or infront a body of water overlooking fireworks or something way more romantic. At prom though? Never imagined that. Yes, you meant it but you said it without really thinking because it came so naturally. Hearing Daniel say it, you were a bit taken back. You were both looking each other in the eyes, was this real life? ''Wow, this is so perfect,'' Daniel said smiling at you. ''I know right?'' You pecked your lips together again, ''You ready to finish this night off the right way?'' ''Yes, I am Daniel.'' You grabbed each others hands and walked into the dancehall.

                   You and Daniel made your way into the dancehall. It was live as hell too. The dance floor was packed and the music was actually good stuff. ''Come on,'' you said grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the dance floor. ''Okay okay okay, slow down,'' he said laughing. The wobble came on, suddenly the whole room said, ''OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.'' Everyone got in lines and started tearing shit up. Daniel watched you grind and shake. ''Damn, I see you, hahaha.'' Suddenly, Monique came out of no where. ''Hahaha, I know huh Dig?'' They both laughed and kept watching you. ''Oh shit,'' you said almost tripping over someone's dress with your heels. ''Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry,'' you said. She turned around and revealed herself, it was Roxanne. ''Oh, girl you good. Just be careful now.'' You both laughed. But yeah, everyone was dancing and having a real good time. After the wobble, they played the cha cha slide, electric slide, bunny hop, the cupid shuffle and all kinds of stuff. It was nice that everyone was dancing, but it got hot and what not. Everyone was sweating lol. ''Okay okay, I think its time for a break,'' you said leaning on Daniel. ''Yeah, shit my make up is running,'' Monique said. Y'all laughed and went to a table. It was you, Daniel, Monique, Kory, Roxanne & Devin (her date). ''Oh that feels so good,'' you said sitting down for the first time in an hour. ''Hell yeah,'' Kori said laughing. ''This is fun though, like I'm really enjoying myself,'' Roxanne said. Everyone agreed. The whole set up was cute, it was like a triple date. You felt an arm wrap around you, which made you jump, then relax after figuring out it was Daniel. You both smiled at each other, then he kissed your nose. Both Roxanne & Monique said, ''Aaaawh!''  ''AAAAAAAAAAAWH, y'all are just the cutest ever,'' Devin said in a high-pitch girl voice, making fun of them. Everyone laughed. Monique then hit Kory, ''How come you don't kiss me on the nose?????'' ''Ummmm, cus that shit is nasty. Don't want that damn stuff on my tongue.'' Everyone busted out laughing. Kory was crazy, he told it like it was. After that, y'all just kinda talked about whatever came to mind. Roxanne looked up, you noticed her staring a lot of Daniel. ''How does it feel to date someone famous?'' Everyone stopped and awaited your response, ''It's no different from dating Devin or Kory,'' you said pointing at each of them, ''He's just like one of them.'' He smiled at that. Daniel loved how you didn't lionize him but instead made him feel like the normal person he was at the end of the day. He wasn't just Diggy to you, thats why you always called him Daniel. Everyone nodded. You felt your stomach growl. ''I'm hungry as hell.'' ''Me too.'' ''Me three.'' Daniel looked at you, ''You want me to get you something from the table?'' ''Yes, I would.'' Monique hit Kory, ''Go head.'' He sucked his teeth. ''Come on fellas,'' Daniel said. They all stood up and walked over to the snack table. The three of you sat there and watched them. ''I'm surprised no one noticed that Diggy Simmons is here at our prom!'' You looked at Monique and then laughed, ''You spoke way too soon!'' A few girls noticed and started talking to him. Thankfully that was the most that happened that night, maybe since it was dark, no one really noticed. You watched Roxanne and how she would stare at him. Hmmmmm... The three of you sat there and waited on food. You didn't talk but just stared at Daniel. He looked soo good tonight. You couldn't wait to spend alone time with him.

End of Chapter 69.

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