Distant, Rather

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Chapter 187

Distant, Rather

                        You and Daniel were lying on the couch, still. Even though you were silent and calm on the outside, it didn't mean you were fully together on the inside. You felt a bit cold. The silence made him wonder what was on your mind but he was at least thankful that you weren't trying to beat him up lol. He started to kiss you on the neck. "Mmmm," you sat up and moved away. "What baby?" "I'm ready to go." He was a bit taken back but he knew you still upset. "Alright ma." You stood up and stretched. "Im gna use the restroom first," you looked over at him, he nodded. Once you shut the bathroom door, you stood in the mirror and just stared at yourself. You looked horrible, no really you did... The tears deteriorated your make up completely. Your hair was a birds nest, so you cleaned yourself up. You took your time too; wiping your face and fixing your hair. You smiled at yourself when you were down. *Knock-Knock* "Baby, you alright?" You turned to the door, "Yes. I'm fine. I'll be out in a second." "Okay. Take your time."  You laughed, then took one last look. "I'm so sick of this shit... I really am." You took a deep breathe, then stepped outside. Daniel was patiently waiting on the couch. Once he saw you come out, he stood up and walked up to you, "You good?" "I'm fine," you said looking to the side, "C'mon lets go. I wanna go home." "Whatever you say [Yn]." He followed behind you as the two of you headed downstairs. 

                        The ride home was not awkward at all. Everyone was so shocked to see you being yourself. It was a though nothing happened. Although you were being yourself, you weren't talking to Daniel... You honestly didn't want to. After you all arrived back to your condo, you were all sitting around on the couch just talking. Champ was in your lap cuddling you. It gave you some kind of peace. "Aaaa shit, I need a massage... Chelsea you got me?" "Fine Darnell." She got up and started walking on his back. Everyone started laughing when shit started popping. "Dawg, does that hurt?" Darnell looked up at Roger, "Nope. Feels fuckin amazing bro." Roger smiled as he sat closely on the couch, holding his "friend" Alexis. "Y'all cute or whatever," Monique said staring at them. Alexis blushed when Roger kissed her neck. "I think me and Lex gone head out. Its been real you guys." They stood up and went around giving out hugs. Roger came by to hug you; before he let go he whispered in your ear, "You alright girl?" You looked at him, dead in his eyes, "Yeah. I'm cool." He nodded, "Just be patient with each other. I know he loves you." You smiled when he kissed your cheek. Spin slapped Rogers butt, "Take it easy on the pussy!" Everyone busted out laughing. You watched Roger exchange a few words with Daniel near the door. You stared at them, already knowing what it was about--you. After that, Daniel sat on the couch next to you. You looked around and saw everyone just chillin. "I'm sleepy, think I'm gna head to the shower, then bed." "Alright girl." You stood up and hugged everyone. They were concerned about you but didn't wanna bring up what happened. The silence killed them, literally. You and Daniel looked at each other, then you looked away and headed to the back. He noticed your distance and it made him nervous. He picked up Champ and headed to the back. Spin looked up at everyone, "Uh oh." "I hope they work it out... honestly." "Me too." Daniel shut the door to the bedroom, then stood by you. "Hey." You looked up from your drawer, preparing your shower clothes, "Hi." "What is this?" "What's what?" "You not talkin to me, I thought we were good." "We are." "[Yn]..." "WE ARE! OKAY!" He just stood there and rubbed his head. "Baby please, I don't like this," he said grabbing you by the waist. You couldn't even look at his face, "[Yn]..." He raised your head, "Tell me whats up..." "I don't know Daniel," a tear ran down your face. He wiped your eyes. "I'm gna go shower now." He watched you walk away and disappear into the bathroom. You turned the water on and hopped inside. You didn't wanna talk about tonight... but what that bitch said pierced you so hard... Her disrespect was unbelievable. It made you question a lot of your friends... Who was who and what was their purpose? As you covered your body in soap, you began to sob aagain. You could hardly stand, so you sat on the floor in the shower and calmed yourself. You took deep breathes and prayed. You talked to God as though you were a life long friend because, well, He was.

                        You came out the shower 30 minutes later. Daniel laid across the bed on his phone. He looked up when he saw you come out. The clock on your night stand read 1:01 a.m. It was definitely time to unwind. You smiled when you saw Champ sleeping in his bed. Then you looked over at Daniel. "Is our company still here?" "No, they all left. The girls are in their room." "Okay." You grabbed a pillow and leaned into his face, "I'm gna sleep with them tonight." He looked disappointed, "Okay [Yn]." You pecked his lips, "Goodnight Daniel." He kissed you once more, "Night," then you left him alone in the room. "Hey y'all." "Hey beautiful, you sleeping with us," Chelsea noticed your pillow hanging from your arms. "Yeah." They made room for you to lay in between you.Their suitcases were packed for their departure tomorrow. "I don't want you to leave." "Me either, but we gotta get back home so we can take care of ours." "I know," you laid across Monique's chest. Chelsea pulled the sheets over you before laying across you. "Whats wrong girl?" You started crying, agian! "I don't know... I'm just, it hurts...." "I know, I could see the hurt in your eyes earlier." "Yeah..." "That bitch did an outstanding job at pissing me off, she better hope I don't see her again." "Are you gna talk to her [Yn]?" "I don't know guys." They held you closer as you cried. "It's gonna be alright girl, just let it pass over." After that, you said nothing else. You just enjoyed their company.

End of Chapter 187.

A Dream Come True (Diggy Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora