What in the hell?

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Chapter 12

What in the hell?

        You unfolded the paper in your wallet. You didn't know where it came from. Inside you found a random number. Whose was this? You replayed scenes in your head and hadn't encountered anyone who straight up handed you a phone number. Then it was a strange one too. Was it Diggy's? Hmmmm. ''914-225-0967?'' Why would he give it to you? You stared at the paper and wondered if you should call. What if he was busy, asleep, or in the studio? Who knows? You didn't know what to do. You had had enough in one day, so you decided to put it back in your wallet and sleep on it. Tomorrow was your last day with Dad, then it was back to reality. Way too much went on in the past 48 hours of your life. Ugh. It was emotionally draining and exhausting. You sat your wallet down and took a quick shower. After you got out, you went back to bed and laid there. You always thought the most at night. You thought about daddy and what happened today, seeing him cry at dinner. Man, it was tough. You smiled whenever you thought of Diggy. He was so handsome and smelled so good. His smile made you forget about everything else. You thought about that number, hoping it was him. You got pissed whenever you thought about your friends not believing you. Did they think you were crazy? Puh-leez hunty. You had nothing to be thirsty about. You couldnt....couldnt waa wait to get back. "Mmmmm. I wonder how ma is doing, waaa aass sheee okkaayy..." Then you dozed off into sleep.

        "Aaaaaaaaaaah.'' You yawned while sitting up in bed. *Sniff-Sniff* You knew that smell, BACON. You loved bacon so much. You got out the bed, then made it look neat. You went to the bathroom next. About 15 mins later you came out, slipped your house shoes on and went down stairs. ''Good morning daddy.'' He looked up from flipping a pancake, ''Morning sweetie, breakfast is almost done.'' You smiled and sat on the couch. You hadn't checked twitter or instagram in days, you were so busy with life. Few minutes later, he called out, ''Alright sweetie, time to eat.'' You put your phone on the coffee table and went over to the breakfast table. ''Wow, this looks good Da.'' He chuckled, ''I try.'' You both sat down together and said grace. As you started eating, your dad looked up and asked if you wanted any orange juice. ''Yes, please.'' He got up and headed to the fridge. ''So sweetie,'' he said pouring your cup, ''I thought about our talk yesterday at dinner.'' Hearing him say that made your almost choke on your bacon. He was now headed back to the table. ''I really miss you and your mother. Being with you these past few hours has really made me consider some things.'' You looked up with widened eyes. ''I booked a flight home with you sweetie,'' he said smiling, ''hopefully me and your mother can talk and possibly work it out. I hated what I saw yesterday. I wanna keep making progress.'' You got up and hugged your dad. ''Omg daddy, I'm so excited. I hope mom agrees to this.'' ''Me too, but all we can do it take it one step at a time, right?'' ''Right,'' you said putting a huge piece of pancake into your mouth. He just smiled and kept eating.

        The flight would be this evening, around 4. All morning, you and your stayed just stayed in. You watched some movies and talked about school. ''No boys better not try my baby,'' he said with a serious look. ''Daddy look trust me, I don't get that much attention. The guys usually go for the girls who are, well, you know,'' you said making hand motions. "The hoes?'' "Hahaha, yes. So you have nothing to worry about.'' ''Well, you're beautiful and one thing you should know is that you're special. you'll be noticed one day by someone, so there's no need to rush, you understand?'' You and your dad had a great relationship, you could joke around but you also knew how to get serious. ''Yes, I do.'' He smiled and looked at his watch, ''Alright, time to pack up. We got a flight to catch.'' ''Whooohooo,'' you said running upstairs. You spent about 20 minutes making sure everything was packed. You decided to rock some sweats on the plane again. Once you were done, you dragged your suitcase down the stairs. ''All set?'' ''Yes sir!'' He grabbed his stuff and out the door your were. The car ride to the airport was long, but it gave you a chance to think. You thought about Diggy, of course. You wondered what he was doing. After making up scenarios in your head with you and Diggy again, you fell asleep.

        ''Wake up [yn].'' Your dad kept shaking you. Once you were conscious, you wiped the drool off your face. ''I'm up.'' You got everything checked in and walked toward the gate. ''We're here kinda early, wanna take an earlier flight?'' ''Sure, doesnt matter to me dad.'' You laughed as you walked past the spot you and Diggy hugged. ''Whats funny?'' ''Oh, nothing dad.'' ''Oh, so we laugh now for no reason?'' You chuckled and looked down. After the plane boarded, you and your dad sat together. He started talking to you but you soon, again, were dozing off. ''Mhm mhm,'' you lied when he asked if you listening. You were now knocked out. Again. 

        ''It feels so good to be home dad,'' you said as you pulled up to your house. ''Yeah, hopefully your mom doesn't take this surprise as too much.'' Your dad paid and tipped the taxi driver and then he pulled off. ''Oh, ma is home.'' You guys stood at the door. Your dad almost rung the bell, ''No its okay, I got my key dad.'' You unlocked it. You both took a deep breathe and walked in. It was so empty and quiet. ''She must be sleep.'' Your dad nodded as he closed the door. He put his suitcase next to the couch and began looking at pics around the living room. You walked into your moms downstairs bedroom, no show. You then headed upstairs. You walked down the hall. You peeped in your room, no show. Where was she? You then walked towards the guest bedroom, you started hearing some noises. ''Ahh, Ahh, Ahh." You started creeping slowly to the door, it was shut. You heard some clappin noises. The kind you hear during sex... You slowly turned the nob and peaked in. You saw your mom in doggy style position, some dude was balls deep inside of her. You had to cover your mouth to hold back the gasp. What in the hell??? You looked again to make sure it was her, and it was. You were in such disbelief. Suddenly, your dad started heading upstairs.

End of chapter 12.

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