What Have I Done?

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Chapter 50

What have I done?


                   Without excusing yourself, you got up from the table and walked to the restroom. Diggy watched you walk away. You went inside and found the handicap stall. *sniff-sniff* You leaned your back against the wall and lowered yourself to the ground. ''What have I done?'' You starting crying, you didn't like when people were mad at  you. Especially your boyfriend. You reached into your purse and grabbed your cell phone. ''I need someone to talk to.'' You dialed Monique's number and listened to about 3 rings. ''Aaah, come on Monique I need you.'' She finally answered, ''Hello?'' ''Monique? Monique hey its me, [yn]?'' ''Hey girl, whats up, why you sound like you choked up?'' ''*sniff-sniff*, Aaah, Mo-Monique I ruined everything!'' ''[YN], CALM DOWN! RELAX GIRL. TAKE A DEEP BREATHE OKAY.'' ''OO-OOHKAY I DID.'' ''Now, gather yourself and tell me what happened okay.'' ''Ooo-kay. Basically, Diggy is ma-aaad at me because aaaah *sniff-sniff*''...''HEY, HEY. WHAT DID I SAY??? RELAX RIGHT? COME ON YOU GOTTA CALM DOWN [YN].'' You took three deep breathes. ''Whenever you're ready okay? I'm here for you girl.'' You started again, ''Okay basically, Diggy is mad at me because I kept bringing up his ex girlfriend.'' ''Why would you do that?'' ''Monique I went to the club Saturday night and got a bottle thrown at my head.'' ''WHAT, OH HELL NO.'' ''Yeah, It was two girls, I didn't know who they were. But earlier that day I went to Flight Club with Diggy and saw his ex.'' ''So basically you went to the shoe store, okay and afterwards a night club and that's when you got hit?'' ''Yeah.'' ''Wow, thats some crazy ass shit. You know what girl, I'm thinking this girl, his ex...'' ''Her name is Tatiana." ''Look whatever the bitch name is, she must have sent those two girls to the club to do her dirty work, you know?'' ''Wow, I didn't think about that.'' ''Mhm...Thats what must have happened.'' ''Yeah, I got mad at Diggy. We got into two arguments this weekend..'' ''Oh yeah, so why is he mad at you?'' ''Because I brought her up.'' ''Hmmmmmm...something big must have happened for him to be pissed about hearing her name.'' ''Yeah.'' ''Look [Yn], you gotta stop bringing her up okay... She is the past. Like I'm sure Diggy never brought up Donte now did he?'' ''Nnnoooo.'' ''Exactly, so give him the same respect. You gotta move on and move forward okay?'' ''Okay.'' ''Clean yourself off okay. Is he still mad?'' ''Yeah like he's ignoring me. I hope we didn't break up...'' ''I'm sure you didn't, he is just mad at you. He likes you too much. He's just tryna make you feel the way he felt. Like, get back at you.'' ''Yeah, okay. I'll do my best and be polite.'' ''Yeah, he'll come around. Where you at?'' ''This burger place with Spin, Jacob Lati...'' ''OMG YOU FAKE BITCH YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT YOU WERE THERE WITH HIM.'' ''Hahaha, I'm sorry. Just a lot going on. I told him about you if that helps.'' ''Good shoot... I wanna meet him.'' ''I'm sure you will. I think I should go now, Im in a restroom and I been in here for a while.'' ''Alright girl...enjoy yourself. You coming home today?'' ''No. tomorrow.'' ''Oh okay. I'll see you later. Love you hunny.'' ''Love you too Monique, thank you.'' She was gone. You stood up, blew your nose with some tissue and headed for the sink. ''I look horrible.'' You cleaned your face and got yourself together. You washed your hands, dried them and walked back towards the table. ''Look whose back,'' Spin said looking at you. Everyone was now staring at you. They watched as you approached the table. Diggy kept staring even more. ''What the hell were you doing, taking a shit and sculpting it?'' ''Eeeeewwww,'' Sam said hitting Spin, ''We are eating, stop!'' ''Hahaha, well I went to go make a phone call.'' ''Oh, okay. Were we a bit worried about you,'' Jacob said eating a frie. ''Awwwww, thanks. I'm good though.'' Diggy said nothing at all. He just kinda looked at you. You were afraid to look at him though but you felt him staring at you. ''Aye [yn], we don't know what kinda burger you eat, so we just ordered you a classic cheese burger,'' Sam said. ''Cheese is my favorite.'' ''Better be cuz you weren't getting nothing else,'' Spin said before taking a bite. You laughed and ate your food. You guys ate for about 30 mins. Whenever Diggy would talk, he never addressed you. It felt awkward at times but you managed to stay calm. Monique was right, he would get over it. Jacob looked at his watch, ''Aye it's about that time. We gotta get back to the condo.'' ''What time you got Jay,'' Spin asked. ''Quarter past 3.'' Everyone got their trash together. The waiter came by, ''Did everyone enjoy themselves?'' ''Yeah!!!'' ''Awesome. Okay whose paying for what?'' ''I'm paying for myself,'' Spin said. ''I got us,'' Jacob said pointing to him and Sam. Diggy looked at you, ''I'm paying for myself.''   : O Wow....Did he really just go there. ''And that leaves me,'' you said smiling. He was still pissed. He had his reason to be mad but was this too far? The waiter nodded and accepted everyone's cash. He thanked you all as you left. Everyone said goodbye, hugged and whatever. ''I'll see y'all tonight,'' Diggy said walking. You followed him. ''That was nice huh Dig?'' He ignored you. You sighed and just tried to stay calm. The two of you headed for the car. You didn't bother testing to see if he would open your door. You let yourself in and leaned back on the seat. He started the engine and put some music on. As he drove, you just continued to try and stay calm. But you couldn't help but wonder when he would eventually talk to you again. 

A Dream Come True (Diggy Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon