Fellas Night Out!

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Chapter 139

Fellas Night Out!

                             You sat in the back seat of Spin's car between Daniel and Darnell while Roger took the front. Tonight was a fellas night out, with the exception of you lol. Everything they said, you couldn't repeat no matter what. Guy code, or some bullshit Spin said a bit earlier. I mean, after Daniel gave you the D, you were pretty chill so you were good. "So what's up with you and Roxanne," Spin asked making a left turn. "We talking. I don't know, still feeling her out. But man, oh man... That pussy game is sick." Daniel looked over and D and they did this stupid handshake shit. You did your best to stay quiet. Haha. "Y'all already fuckin," Roger turned to D, "Didn't y'all just meet?" D smirked, "And? Shit. We both grown. I mean we were just gna be fwb but decided to keep talking." It was a bit hard to hear this about your friend.... They way he made her seem lol. You sat awkwardly playing with your fingers. "Yeah, and he head game was......," he stopped in mid-sentence and looked at you. He paused. "What D, how was it bruh," Spin anxiously asked pulling into a parking garage. "I'll tell y'all later, I wanna be respectful of [Yn]," he said patting your arm. "Man, forget her. She ain't gone say nothing, right," Spin said looking dead at you. Everyone in the car looked at you, "Right." "See, now tell us," Spin said encouraging the matter. "Hahaha, she does this trick where she gags on it. Its like she vibrates and hum, it tickles." "Hahaha, I remember that. Tati use to always do that," Daniel said laughing, then he looked at you.... "But that was the past and I'm happy with [Yn]," he swallowed hard. You just sat there and ignored it, trying to be understanding of this guy talk. "Look [Yn], anytime Daniel brings up the past, its..." "Irrelevant because I'm the present and the future, I know I know," you finished his sentence, "I decided to tag a long so I expect this kind of talk." They all nodded, "Good." Spin shut the car off. "We at this lounge, everyone got their I.D's?" "Mhm." Eeryone got out, I'D's in hand. You felt Daniel's hand  grab a hold of yours. "Y'all look cute, dinner plans?" "Thank you. Yeah D, that crazy bitch came at us." "Oh yeah, we gotta figure out how to get her ass outta NYC." Daniel laughed, "Impossible." "Well shit, you got any better ideas." You just stared at them both, "Fuck. I don't know. Just want my baby to be safe," he looked at you. "We gotta think of a master plan." You all walked up to the entrance of the bar/lounge. The bouncers at the front of the door were huge! Big, buff swole looking..... They kept staring at you. Made you a bit uncomfortable. "How we doing tonight? You all look mighty nice. Just need to see some I.D." You all showed your I.D's to the bouncers. Once they got to you, he kept looking from the I.D. to your face, over and over again. "You're a beautiful young lady, any of these fellas yours?" His crooked smile creeped you out. You, unintentionally, just stared at him with this disgusted look. "Haha, no need to be afraid little lady. I don't bite." You moved closer to Daniel.  His grip on your hand tightened. "Haha, okay okay. I'm sorry. Y'all go right along inside." Daniel gently lead you infront of him inside, "Come on baby." "Haha, you rollin with the fellas. We gone protect you [Yn]." "Whatever Darnell, that was creepy and you know it." He giggled. Spin lead you to the back of the lounge towards this circle table booth. The lounge was dark with a real chill atmosphere. "Now, lets just hope we won't see Tatianna here," Spin said smiling at you. You rolled your eyes and flicked him off. You sat in between Daniel and Spin. In front of you all lay cigars and in the middle of the table, bottles of liquor in a bucket of ice. "I'll pay for everyone," Daniel offered. "You sure Digg?" "Yeah Spin, you paid last time...." He shook his head, "Remember, or were you too wasted to remember bitch?" "He did pay," Roger defended Daniel. "Oh, alright alright," he rubbed his chin. He reached for the lighter in the middle of the table and started his cigar. "Anyone smoking with me tonight?" You looked at your cigar, you never smoked. There was a time once an opportunity at a party with Monique but you didn't. "C'mon [Yn], if you not gone smoke, at least have a drink." You smiled and looked at your choices, "Sex on the Beach," you laughed. "Mhm, thats the shit right there," Roger nodded. "Hmmmm, maybe I'll sip whatever Daniel has." "Stop being such a lady, gotta unleash your wild side tonight," Darnell said egging you on. "Are we even allowed to drink?" "No, but I'm over 21 so it don't mattter," Spin said winking. Spin placed a shot glass in front of everyone. He poured Tequila in each one. You felt a bit uneasy but safe with them, so why not lol. "Let's make a toast...A toast to friendship and to loyalty." Everyone raised a glass, "Take it!" Everyone took their shot. "OOOOOOOOOOO SHIT! FUCK YES!" You gagged. "HAHAHA, [YN] C'MON NOW!!!!!" You whipped your mouth. After that, everyone fixed their own drinks. Spin did Rum & Coke, Darnell and Roger had a beer, Daniel poured himself some whiskey with ice, little bit coke and ice. "Daniel, make me something." "I'll have Spin order you a martini ma." "Make it pretty, with pink and stuff." They all looked at you and busted out laughing. "Get her a raspberry martini." Spin looked, "NOPE. We have enough of a selection for her right there." Daniel gave him this look.... "Alright, alright." He got up and left. "So, tell me what happenend with Tatianna." "I don't wanna talk about that no more," you said looking at D. "okay dokay, I understand." "So over that bitch Darnell." "I know Sweety." Roger took the inituitive to change the subject. "How you liking NYC so far [Yn]?" "It's been good, real good," you said looking at Daniel. He leaned in and pecked your lips. "Don't y'all have a condo?" "Mhm." "Bet you stay fuckin," he sipped his beer. Spin came back with this pretty martini for you. "Thank you." "Sure thing." "What's something you don't like about being here?" "Ummmm, probably not being around my parents as much. I miss them." He nodded. "You'll adjust mama. I mean, you got a real good dude, I been cool with Diggy for years. He's always handled his business and I know He's been and will take care of you." Daniel smiled, "Thanks brotha, appreciate that." "Most definitely." "My only tip for you [Yn]," Roger continued, "Is to watch for these fakes. I mean, these girls can be so deceiving. Like, I can see that you're genuine but a lot of ppl will fake the hell outta themselves just to be your friend," he said making bunny ears with his fingers. "Thats why my cirlce," he said pointing around the table, "Is small as fuck. Less ppl, less drama." Spin and Darnell nodded. "I see what mean. But it's hard to sometimes see whose real, you know." "Don't worry, time will always answer that for you," Spin said puffing his cigar. "Pass that lighter," Darnell said reaching over. "Look [Yn], no matter what, we all got your back.. None of them lil fake bitches you'll meet once they find out whose bed you sleeping in." You nodded. Damn. They had a point, you didn't know who to trust. "Diggy will have back, no matter what though. Best believe." You sipped your martini and sat back in your spot. Daniel scooted over closer and wrapped his arm around you. 

End of Chapter 139.

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