part 76 // love is not over

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(a/n if you like taehyung x jeongguk, you guys should go read my vkook bookkkkkk~ also, this is slightly angsty i guess?? idk if its counted as that..)

love is so painful,

goodbyes are even more painful

tears pricked the corner of yoongis tired eyes, his stomach churning. now, yoongi usually prided himself on being a strong person. it was probably just a childish egotistical pride that society had put on him to be "manly", but an accomplishment in his eyes nonetheless. but, on the morning of jimins departure, he didnt even have time to think about his silly little ego. because jimin was leaving him, and no other thought has ever made him so god damn afraid. 

on his drive home from the airport, jimins last words ringed in his head. i love you more than anything, he had told him. yoongi hoped that would remain true. you're my world, yoongi had said to jimin in return. yoongi knew that would remain true. his eyes gazed out to the road ahead of him, and all of a sudden everything was grey. when jimin left, he took all of the color in yoongis world with him. yoongi already missed his sunshine.

the smell of jimin lingered in his sheets and on his sweatshirts, somehow making him feel lonelier that he already currently felt. jimins eyes were in the brown of his morning coffee and his smile was in the words of his lyrics, nothing could make him stop thinking of the bright boy. yoongi cried while thinking of his laugh and listened to the songs that reminded him of their happiest days together.

i cant go on if you're not here,

love me, love me

come back to my arms

and finally, months later on a chilly night in daegu that held a small warm breeze, jimin walked up to the front door of yoongis apartment. he wore a large sweater and a pair of black tights that he was sure probably came from the girls section, as he awaited yoongis arrival to open the door. when he finally did, jimin almost cried. not only because he hadnt seen him in so long, but because yoongi looked like an absolute and complete mess. the bags under his eyes were the darkest they have ever been and the way his collar bones stuck out more than usual made jimin wonder if he had even been eating.

they collapsed into each others arms, jimins tan limbs against yoongis pale ones felt just right. when they laid in bed together later that evening, and the only noise filling the room was their steady breathing, jimin couldnt help but worry for his boyfriend. because even though when he had asked him, and yoongi had told him that he was fine, he didnt believe him. yoongi smiled much less and sighed much more, and jimin couldnt help but think that it was his fault.

"yoongi?" jimin said gently, craning his neck to look at the boy in his arms. yoongi looked up at him, "hm?" yoongi hummed in response. "are you really okay, baby?" jimin asked, deciding to get right to the point. yoongi averted his eyes from jimin, sighing quietly. "i mean, um, im just sad." yoongi said, as if the topic was the most casual thing in the world, "but its no big deal, it just happens sometimes." yoongi shrugged, settling back into his place in jimins arms without another word.

jimin kissed the top of yoongis head, and decided to say nothing else. there was a pang of pain in the middle of jimins chest, and he wanted nothing more than to make yoongis hurt go away. he would rather have himself be sad than to watch yoongi suffer. "you're going to be okay, baby, dont worry. im here." jimin suddenly whispered into the still air. yoongis breath hitched in his throat, "yeah, okay." he lied. yoongis words left an unsteady feeling inside of jimin that shook him to the core.


a/n (gO READ MY VKOOK BOOK) did this even make sense lmao i dont know if i like this.. im missed you guys tho~

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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