part 90 // noise

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(a/n au in which jimin is a mind reader and yoongis a wizard.. super random but eh i hope you enjoy.)

wah, i really like his shoes! jimin smiles widely at the boy in front of him, about to open his mouth to thank him only to remember that he hadnt actually said it out loud. jimin quickly shuts his mouth, turning on his heal and leaving the store. his head pounds from the noise inside of it, driving him absolutely crazy. jimins mind was filled with a constant stream of noise, coming from other peoples thoughts. it had been this way for as long as he could remember, and honestly, it kind of freaked him out too, sometimes.

jimin jogs the rest of the way home, trying his best to shut out the hum of voices. jimin could shut it off, the noise, but it took loads of energy and concentration, and usually it only worked for a few minutes at a time. it was not always so bad hearing what people were thinking, he would always know if someone liked him or if someone was lying, but it came with a cost. because jimin could also hear everything that people thought of him, and that wasnt always a good thing. it stung a lot more than he would care to admit. 

"jiminie, is that you?" his mother called out when he walked into his house. jimin sighed lightly, "yes, omma! im home!" jimin responded to her, respectfully removing his shoes before walking to where she was. his mother stood, smiling widely. "ah, jimin, i need you to go pick up some flowers for your grandmother, can you do that for me?" she asked him, nodding slightly. jimin held back an eye roll and nodded instead, silently turning to go. he was glad that his dad wasnt home yet, so there wasnt too much noise in his head yet.

jimin rushed to the store down the road, throwing the door open when he arrived. but he was taken aback when he realized that everything was dead silent. for the first time in his life, jimin didnt hear a single sound around him. he almost wanted to cry. suddenly, he was broken out of his thoughts when he heard a noise. a boy, probably around his own age, stood before him. the boy smiled lightly, "may i help you?" he asked, his deep voice burying its way into jimins head. confusion took over jimins body, why couldnt he hear this boys thoughts? 

he shook his head lightly, "i- uh- need some lilies, please." he finally said, trying to shake himself out of it. when the boy continued to look at jimins confused face, he merely nodded. "mind reader, huh?" he suddenly said, making jimins eyes widen. jimin inhaled sharply, he was so utterly shocked and confused as to how this boy knew about his abilities, he was rendered speechless. "ah, dont worry, theres a reason you cant hear my thoughts." the boy started, chuckling slightly. it was only then, that jimin realized the boys eyes were a bright shade of purple. "im a wizard, actually."

jimin stumbled backwards, almost as if yoongis words had physically pushed him. a wizard? jimin thought to himself, is that even possible? well, yoongis eyes looked like they had a purple galaxy trapped inside of them, so that must mean something. "do you- uh- do you know a way that i could block out the- the noise?" jimin asked him, cautiously. he wasnt sure if wizards did things like this, but it was worth a shot. jimin would literally live in this shop with this boy if it meant he could have some peace and quiet.

yoongi hummed lowly, a thoughtful look on his pale face. "i might." he muttered, before waking to the back of his shop. when he emerged once again, he was holding a pair of cotton earmuffs. "fairy's cotton, from my friend seokjin. this should do the trick." yooongi told him, gently settling the earmuffs onto jimins head. "go try it out." he then said, leading jimin out the door. jimin stood outside, watching people walk right past him, and not being able to hear a single thing. jimin thought it might have been the best day of his life.

he walked back into the store, resting the earmuffs around his neck. yoongi had already gotten the lilies he had asked for, so he was handed the bouquet when entered. "thank you so much, uh.." jimin said, not knowing what to call him. "yoongi, im yoongi." the boy said gently, looking at jimin intently. jimin smiled that wide grin of his, "thank you, yoongi hyung." he then corrected himself. yoongi walked him to the door, scolding him for using honorifics. "just call me yoongi." he said to jimin. jimins heart warmed, "okay, yoongi." and damn, jimin could get lost in those purple eyes.


a/n so since i've been so emo recently, it was nice to write some fantasy fluffy randomness.. aLSO I LIKE IMAGINING YOONGI WITH PURPLE EYES AH SO PRETTY

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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