part 109 // open arms

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the thundering sound of rain hitting the roof and windows of their home sent shivers down yoongis spine, as he sat hunched over in an old chair they had set up months ago by the window. he wore nothing but a thin pair of grey sweatpants, his upper half left bare after throwing his shirt off during the night from heat. usually, after a nightmare, yoongi would just wash his face and merely shake it off, climbing back into bed beside jimin. but something was different tonight, maybe it was because it had involved his mother, he didnt really know, and he was left in tears.

he glanced behind him briefly, just in time to catch jimin stir in his sleep. yoongi wiped his nose, really trying his best to keep his pathetic sniffling to a minimum. "yoongi?" jimins tired voice came only moments later, and yoongi sighed in defeat. he had just been thinking about how great it was that he hadnt woken jimin, but apparently he must've spoken too soon. he straightened himself out, stretching his back and turning to face the bed. "hey." his voice came as a broken noise, jimins chest aching the moment he heard it.

"come here." jimin said simply, raising his arms widely, motioning for yoongi to go over to him. yoongi paused for a moment, opening his mouth to say something and then closing it again, before shaking his head. "just- just go back to bed, jimin. it was nothing." yoongi responded flatly, trying his best to hide his face enough for jimin not to see the dried up tears on his cheeks. jimin sighed, "do i need to go over there and drag you, or will you just listen to me for once?" he said, showing yoongi that he would actually get up and do it by lifting the blankets and stepping lightly onto the floor.

yoongi chuckled hollowly then, and jimin almost smiled, but refrained from doing so because his boyfriend was frustrating him at the moment, and he would certainly not smile for that. before jimin could take any further action in getting up, yoongi dragged himself to the bed instead, climbing onto his side. jimin eventually settled back down into his place, and the moment he did so, yoongi collapsed into his arms. "see? i knew this would help." jimin said as he held yoongi in his arms protectively, gently touching the nape of his hair.

yoongi stayed silent and just tightened his grip on jimins waist, the feeling of comfort settling deep within his bones. and even though it was still pouring outside, it didnt sound so menacing to him any longer. more like a comforting rumble serving as background noise. jimin stayed awake, rubbing yoongis hair and his back soothingly until he was sure he had fallen asleep again, before settling down himself. jimin smiled as yoongi pulled him closer in his sleep, a soft mumble of something incoherent leaving yoongis lips as he did so.

yoongis eyes slowly began to flutter open, as he felt the weight of another person settle on top of him. he opened both eyes to the sight of jimins bright, blinding smile, before immediately clenching them shut. "dont do that." yoongi breathed out, eyes still closed as he used his hands to sloppily cover jimins mouth. "do what?" jimin asked, words muffled behind yoongis hands. yoongi kept his eyes shut, allowing a small smile to erupt on his face, "smile. it makes my heart beat way too fast for this early in the damn morning."

jimin laughed then, the sound shooting sparks all the way through yoongis veins until they made it to his heart. "whatever." jimin laughed, falling onto his side to lay back down beside yoongis body. jimin didnt ask about the nightmare, or what happened last night, because yoongi didnt bring it up. he had decided on his own terms that he would let yoongi say something instead of forcing the conversation upon him, which was something jimin hated doing. so, he settled for intertwining his limbs with yoongis and kissing him softly on the corner of his mouth, no words needed.


a/n this was short but thats just because im feeling bleh. (also, im considering re-writing some of my older chaps in his book bc they actually suck and i hate them. what do you guys think? also, i love you all and i missed you more. please consider my pity petition. lol i hate mySELF)

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

(side note; i absolutely suck at titling chapters.)

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