; thank you

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(thank you all for the compliments on my face from last chapter, you all maKE ME BLUSH SO HARD)

dear all of you guys,

i just wanted to start off by saying thank you. god, just- just thank you for everything. you all mean the world to me, truly. you guys make me feel better on my worst days and help me change in the best possible ways. you all support me with my writing and all my lame emotional stuff and i honestly dont think i could ever thank you enough. damn, i just- theres 200k reads on this book as of now, and i can barely believe my eyes each time i see that number. i came onto wattpad a full year ago, just a girl who loves bts with all of her heart and wanted to write something. now, im that same girl but with so much support for it. you all have my heart, truly. (& don't worry, this isnt the end of this book or anything, i just wanted to thank you guys formally for everything that you do for my lame ass.)

i love you all so much,

namjoon1994 (chloe)

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