part 100 // the most beautiful moment in life

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yoongi wished time would slow down when he was with jimin. he knew nothing lasted forever, and up until then he hadnt really cared about that fact. up until jimin, the thought of everything eventually ending never really bothered him, because it was unavoidable. but now, he wanted nothing more then to stop time, and stay here with jimin every second of every day and he was so afraid of the day it would end. yoongi wasnt afraid of anything. except for that.

there werent enough metaphors that compared jimin to the sky or to the ocean to really explain his beauty, but yoongi didnt need those. he didnt need to say that jimins eyes were sparkling like the stars and his hair like the waves of the ocean because they just were. there simply werent enough words for yoongi to describe just how beautiful jimin truly was. and jimin will giggle and tell him that he thinks too much and he should just enjoy his time right now, but it was hard when the inescapable truth was that one day jimin wouldnt be by his side.

one day, his world would become nothing more than pitch black darkness. or maybe, he would go to heaven, though he wasnt very religious so he honestly wasnt quite sure. maybe he would even be reborn as something or someone else. but no matter what way it happens, he hopes to be with jimin. he wonders if it works that way, that when they are both eventually dead, that they will still find a way to each other. he didnt have a clue how any of that would play out, but he hoped for the best. the best being that jimin would be with him until the end of time.

all at once yoongi was knocked out of his rather depressing thoughts by a happily cheering jimin. "huh?" yoongi said dumbly, finally looking to jimin. jimins smile spread widely across his tan face, "i did it!" he cheered, waving his hands haphazardly in the air around him like a small child. yoongi tilted his head, still confused. jimin chuckled, "i made a hickey on you! right there!" jimin laughed, pointing lightly to the spot of skin just below his ear lobe on his right side.

yoongi immediately raised his hand to touch the spot jimin had pointed to, feeling that it was tender. he was about to complain about how he would have to cover it up for work tomorrow, but he refrained from doing so because jimin just looked so proud and happy and yoongi never ever wanted to ruin that. jimin continued to smile proudly, causing a soft smile to erupt on yoongis face to mirror his. yoongi sat back, watching jimin smile so brightly with all of his pretty, white teeth showing, and he decided that he was okay.

it was okay that he didnt know how long this would last, and it was okay that he didnt know what the future held for them. because he had jimin right now, and he was just as beautiful and radiant as ever and thats all yoongi could ever really ask for. it was moments like these, that yoongi cherished the most. small, dumb little memories like jimin smiling like an idiot because he had made one puny little hickey on yoongi neck when he wasnt paying attention. yoongi lived for these small, wonderful moments. 

"what're you thinking about, bubs?" jimin asked casually, slinging himself onto one of yoongis shoulders to be closer to him. yoongi turned his head to look at him, shaking his head slightly. "nothing- its nothing, jiminie." he sighed, now tilting his head back slightly. jimin nodded slowly, still looking at him with wary eyes. "dont think too much, alright? i know you do that sometimes." jimin said gently, smoothing yoongis fringe back as he did so. yoongi smiled once again, "i wont." was all that he said, putting jimins worried mind at ease.

so, yeah, like most people, yoongi couldnt help but worry. he was just scared that things would change, but everything changes. everyday, everyone is changing and theres nothing any of us can really do to stop it. for all he knows, one day jimin might wake up and decide that he doesnt love him anymore. but he decided that he would deal with that if it ever comes. because jimin loved him right now, and he was happy.


a/n I HOPE THIS WAS WORTHY OF BEING THE 100TH CHAPTER EVEN THOUGH ITS SHORT AND DUMB I HOPE YOU ENJOYED. thank you all for sticking around and supporting me and this boo for a whole 100 dumb chapters, and i hope you will stay for many more to come. thank you, and i love you all very much.

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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