chapter 1

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My name is Stella. I’m 17 years old and I live in the UK. I’m a pretty normal girl. I go to school, have a part time job at a warehouse and I hang out with my friends on the weekends.

The only thing I can think of that’s somewhat “unnormal” with me is that I don’t live with my parents. I’m not going to tell you some sob story about how they died in a car crash when I was 9 or anything like that. My parents are actually alive and well. They live in a small house a couple of hours away from me with my big brother Jacob. We are actually a pretty normal family; we don’t have any big family secrets or any dramatic relatives. We just kind of do our thing and that’s it.

I live in a 2 bedroom apartment about 15 minutes away from my school. I go to a school called LAD which stands for London Academic Dancers. So yes, I’m a dancer. I’ve been dancing since forever and when I last year got a scholarship for this school, I didn’t hesitate a second to accept.

My parents are very supportive when it comes to my dreams and they have done everything for me so that I can go to this school. I mean, they even agreed to let me move away from home just so I could attend.

It’s not like I don’t have any contact what so ever with my family, I meet them every Sunday. Either I drive the 6 hour drive to their house or they come here. My grandparents live about 7 minutes away from me so if I ever need anything, they are always close by.

When I moved here, I started off living alone in the apartment but then I realized that the rent was too high for just me so I put out an add, searching for a roommate. It didn’t take long until I had multiple people wanting to move in with me and I had almost decided on a girl until I one day walked out of the building and got stopped by a blonde guy. He introduced himself as Niall and asked if he could take a look at the room and I was kind of surprised but I showed him the room and he offered to pay 2/3 of the rent. It was a deal too good to resist and if we signed the contract, I could stop working from 3 to 11 every night.

So we ended up signing a contract and 3 weeks later, he came with a moving truck and started taking in his boxes. I helped him in with a couple of them and we ended up moving boxes for 2 hours, that day went pretty much like this;

When we finally were done, we both sat down in his bed and looked around in the box filled room. The room was actually pretty nice. The walls were in a bright blue color and there was a window in the middle of a wall, facing the street.
He had put his bed so that the long side was against the wall that had the window on it and both of us leaned against the wall.

Niall: Now I just have to unpack this shit.

He said and laughed; I stood up and walked over to the door.

Stella: Yeah good luck, I’ll be back tonight.

 I walked out of his room and I heard him follow me.

Niall: Where you going? I thought we’d have a house warming party!

 I shook my head and looked at him as I took my bag from the counter in the hallway.

Stella: I don’t do parties. I have a dinner at my parents place and I’ll be back tonight, please don’t go in my room and if you’re hungry, there’s food in the fridge.

He nodded and I took my hand in my purse and took out a keychain. I took off one of the keys from it and handed it to him.

Stella: You can make another if you like, if your girlfriend or boyfriend will like one.
Niall: I don’t have a girlfriend.
Stella: Okay, boyfriend then.

Ha laughed and shook his head as he looked down to the key in his hand.

Niall: Not a boyfriend either. But I’ll make sure to make another.

I walked out the front door and closed it behind me. When I got out to my car, I realized that I had forgotten my car keys in the apartment so I ran back upstairs and opened the door. I heard music coming from Niall’s room and he was listening to one of my favorite songs by Bryan Adams, “summer of 69” and I couldn’t resist the urge.

I took my car keys then sneaked over to his door and put my ear against it. I listened for a while before I heard that it wasn’t Bryan Adams singing, it was Niall.
Then he stopped singing and I got kind of disappointed but before I could react, the door opened and I almost fell in.

Niall looked at me with a small smile on his lips, like he had just busted me doing something illegal and that he was really pleased with himself.

Niall: You always spy on your roomies?

He asked.

Stella: You’re my first roommate so I guess I do.

Niall laughed and I couldn’t help but blush, seriously he had been in my apartment in less than an hour and he was already making me feel stupid.

Niall: I thought you left?
Stella: I did but I forgot my car keys.
Niall: Did you find them?
Stella: Yes…

 I said and showed him the keys in my hand.

Now, it’s 1 year later. We’ve been living together for a year and in the beginning, it felt like it would never work out but my friend Keli gave an advice to talk with him about it instead of just kicking him out so I did. And after a couple of talks, he got better at not throwing his stuff everywhere and maybe buy some milk once in a while.

 I can’t say that I love having him there, because I don’t. He’s my complete opposite. He likes to party and have his friends over, I like to study and wake up at 5.30 to get ready for school while he sleeps in to 10 and miss the half day.
Luckily, we don’t go to the same school. He’s at a normal school, just reading the normal subjects and he doesn’t seem to want to do anything in the future but that’s none of my business, I’m not his mother.

During this last year, he’s been bringing home a different girl every night. I didn’t even know there were so many girls in this town but apparently, there was. And tonight were no different.

I was sitting in the couch in the livingroom with a pen in my mouth, trying to focus on my school work as the door shot open. I heard a giggle and then Niall’s voice telling the girl to be quiet.

The apartment was arranged so that when you walked into the front door, there was a hallway about 3 meters long and in the end of the hallway were the kitchen and then to the right were the livingroom but before you got to the end, there were 1 door which was the bathroom.

When you got into the livingroom, the couch was sat in the middle of the room, facing towards the wall where the TV was hanging and behind the couch was 2 doors, one to Niall’s room and one to mine. This basically meant that I heard everything, always.

Niall came walking into the livingroom and when he saw that the TV was on, he looked at me in the couch.

Niall: You still up?
Stella: Yeah I’ve got this eng-
Girl: Baby where’s your bed?

I heard the girl as she came walking into the livingroom too. Niall took his arm around her waist and kissed her on the cheek as they walked over to his door.

Niall: Sorry Stel, we’ll talk tomorrow ye?

I nodded; I knew that we wouldn’t talk tomorrow because it was always the same thing. He and the girl went into his bedroom and I heard them talk for a while (As they were getting undressed I’d guess)

Girl: Is she your girlfriend?
Niall: God no!

He laughed and even though I never looked at Niall like he could be my boyfriend or anything more than the guy who pays 2/3 of the rent, his answer made me feel a bit sad.

Girl: She’s pretty though.
Niall: Yes she is..

I heard a kiss and then it had begun. I tried to focus for a while on my homework but this girl was a moaner. I had during this last year learnt that there were 3 different types of girls he slept with.

1.        The giggler

2.        The screamer

3.        The moaner

And this girl was definitely number 3. I placed my books on the livingroom table and turned the TV off, big mistake!
I hurried into my room and put my earphones in and my IPhone started playing my most played songs.

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