Chapter 19

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The bright, warm, annoying light in my face wakes me up, I don’t think I’ve ever hated the sun as much as I do right now. I try to turn around in my bed to get the sun out of my face but that’s when I realize that it’s way too hot to stay in bed. I’m sweating like a pig and my double duvets aren’t helping. I take them off and find myself to cold after a couple of seconds. That’s when I decide to get out of bed, and I did. I took my robe around myself and rubbed my eyes before I looked in the mirror.

Stella: Crap… yup I look like crap.

I put my hair up in a bun then opened my door slowly so I could see if Niall was in the livingroom or not. When I saw that he wasn’t, I sneaked out and went to the bathroom as fast as I could. I locked the door behind me then started the shower and turned to the mirror. I hadn’t stopped long enough before now to enjoy the after affects from last night’s drinking session with Niall. It came to me now though and I had to use the sink as support as the dizziness caught up with me. I stood there for a couple of minutes, well until I felt a warm breeze come out from the shower and I realized that I had forgotten to put the cold water on so the water was burning hot.

I reached my hand in and turned the cold water on then I got undressed and jumped into the water. It was still pretty steamy in there but I survived and thanks to the silver handle on the wall, I didn’t fall down when the dizziness came back over and over again.

When I finished my shower, I wrapped myself in a towel then walked back to my bedroom. I dried up, put on lotion then got dressed in a pair of black tights from H&M, a wildfox “weird” tee that went down over my bum and a pair of red TOM’s. I looked at the time and saw that my first lesson would start in 14 minutes, the ride to school took 15 and I still hadn’t had my morning coffee, fuck!

I ran out of my bedroom and over to the kitchen, when I got in there, Niall was standing on the other side of the counter and I stopped in my tracks. He poured coffee in two mugs then looked up at me with a smirk on his face.

Niall: Morning.
Stella: Morning…

I walked over to where he was standing and he handed me the mug he wasn’t drinking from.

Niall: Your class starts in 10 minutes.
Stella: I’m aware. I have English so I’ll just text Ethan and tell him that I will be late.
Niall: convenient.
Stella: It is. Thanks for the coffee.

I took a sip from the mug and Niall seemed to take a step closer to me. I looked at him while putting my mug down on the counter and he smiled and did the same.

Niall: So, you sober yet?
Stella: Not sober enough.

I said, knowing why he asked. I really didn’t want to talk to him about what I had said… well suggested, last night. It was too early. I took a step away from him and grabbed a to-go cup from the top of the locker and poured the coffee into it then walked out to the hallway. Niall walked with me and while I put my autumn jacket on, Niall leaned on the wall next to the bathroom door and looked at me.

Stella: what is it?
Niall: Have you-
Stella: Why aren’t you going to school?
Niall: I don’t feel like it today.
Stella: Well you’re graduating in less than a year, might be time to straight up your grades.
Niall: There’s nothing wrong with my grades.
Stella: fine. You should still go to school.
Niall: I’ll go on Monday; I have stuff to do today.
Stella: I bet, see you later.

He waved then turned around and walked down the hallway. I went out of the flat and down to my car.

As I was driving, my phone started ringing and I had forgotten my headphones at home, so instead of putting them in like I used to do, I took my phone which resulted in me having only one hand on the steering wheel. I answered the call from Keli anyways,

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