Chapter 75

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We've been at my dad's for about two weeks now and it's taking its toll. I have now realized why I was so eager to move away from here in first place and it wasn't just that Ethan lived close or that I started school in London, no it was so much more. Like the way my father likes to wake up in the morning, with the typical English humor on the telly, loud as hell. Or the fact that the stove isn't even so you have to put things under the frying pan so it can stand straight. It's the little things they say and I agree.

Niall doesn't seem to have a problem with anything though. He's actually getting along with both my dad and Mathilda really well, which is good I guess.

At the moment, I was standing in the kitchen, looking out at my dad and Niall as they were playing basketball in the garden. I saw something in Niall's eyes that reminded me of the way I felt when I was 6 and my dad went on a business trip for 3 days and when he came back, I got so filled with happiness that I didn't know what to do but to cry. Niall wasn't crying though, he was laughing that ridiculously contagious laugh.

I heard someone open the fridge behind me and I turned around and Mathilda flashed me a smile as she took the milk out and poured some in her cup of tea.

Mathilda: they're like two different people, aren't they?

I nodded and she came and stood next to me.

Mathilda: I think your father have missed someone to play basketball with.

Stella: He used to play with my mu...

Mathilda: I know he used to play with your mum, he told me. He also told me that he used to let her win because she got happy about it.

Stella: You talk about my mum?

She nodded and took a sip of her tea.

Mathilda: Just because she's not in England, doesn't mean she stops existing.

Stella: might as well. I don't even know where she is anymore.

Mathilda: Last I heard, she was going on a cruise in Caribbean.

Stella: Really? Well great for her.

I looked out at Niall again and sighed,

Mathilda: Have you talked to him about Hanwell yet?

Stella: Not really. I don't know how to present the subject, I can't just say "hey let's go to the Hanwell cemetery and meet your ex-girlfriends grave, that'd be fun!".

Mathilda: Can't you say you know someone who is buried there and when you're there, you just happen to pass her grave?

Stella: No, I've lied enough already.

Mathilda: I don't think that's considered a bad lie, not if he needs to see her. I mean, does he know she's there?

Stella: No, his mum said that he thought she was buried in Ireland but she had family in Hanwell so they flew her body over and... well, put her to ground.

Mathilda: how long was it since she.. you know, died?

Stella: what, 3 years or something I think.

Mathilda: He's still not over her?

Stella: I don't think he knows because he hasn't had that last goodbye that people have at the funeral, and his mum said that it would be for the best.

Mathilda nodded and took another sip of her tea and then we looked out at the boys. Soon enough, I heard a buzzing sound on the bench behind me and both I and Mathilda looked back and saw Niall's phone. I grabbed it and looked at the caller, then answered.

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