Chapter 23

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(This is the last chapter I will post before the new year so I just want to wish you all a happy new year and i hope your 2014 will rock!!)

After dinner, I went upstairs to my old bedroom, which was now a computer room, that my parents had put in an extra bed into and I changed my clothes into a pair of chinos in beige and a tee in black, I put my hair up in a ponytail then walked back downstairs. Everyone was sitting in the livingroom and I decided to interrupt.

Stella: So I was thinking I could take Liam for a stroll around the block, to show him around a bit?
Mum: Oh that sounds fantastic, Liam?

Liam looked at me then at Mari and my mum and nodded.

Liam: I would like that. Thank you for dinner once again Mrs Molins.

My mum smiled and Liam walked out of the livingroom and over to the hallway, he took his shoes on, so did I, then we went out of the house.

Stella: You don’t have to kiss my mums arse, you know?
Liam: I wasn’t… was I?
Stella: We had spaghetti for dinner.
Liam: And it was a hell of good spaghetti.

I laughed and unlocked the car. He jumped into the passenger seat and then we drew towards the café.

Liam: So where is this café you’re taking me to?
Stella: Oh I’m not actually taking you to a café, I was just saying that so I could trick you into my car then drive you to where I bury my murder victims.

He started laughing but I kept a stern look at the road and when he realized that I wasn’t laughing, he stopped to and looked at me. I could hear his heartbeat get faster and I just started laughing.

Stella: relax; I’m not going to kill you!
Liam: are you sure?
Stella: positive!

I laughed again and he started laughing too. Soon enough, we turned up outside of the café we were visiting and we both jumped out. He looked into the window then turned to me.

Liam: It’s pretty empty.
Stella: That’s why I like it, not many people go here.
Liam: Why? Is it not clean?
Stella: No this is a small town and people would rather go for a beer at the bar than coffee at a café.

Liam nodded and we walked inside. I ordered two hot chocolates then sat down at a round table by the window and looked at Liam. He was looking around the room like something was going to jump him.

Stella: So tell me Liam, New York?
Liam: Oh yes… basically, my mother was a really sick woman and she suffered a lot during her living years. One day, Nigel walked into her room at the hospital and offered to pay for all of her expenses, it was some sort of charity project and my mother, as the noble woman she was, refused all his checks. The years went on, my mother got worse and I lived at the hospital with her. Nigel hadn’t been at the hospital for weeks because my mother had told him not to come around anymore. One particular morning, my mother got the notice that she wasn’t going to make it much longer; she called Nigel and told him that she would accept his charity, but she wouldn’t accept any money or any stuff.

He paused and took a sip of his drink, and then before I could say anything, he continued.

Liam: She told Nigel that she wanted him to take care of me. She wanted him to take me in and raise me better than she could have done and of course, Nigel had to talk with Mari about it and since Mari can’t have kids herself, she jumped on the chance to get to raise a kid anyways.

He stopped again and looked down at his coco; I looked at him and saw that there was a hint of pain in his expression, of course.

Stella: How long ago was that?
Liam: Eh.. my mother have been dead for 5 years now, going into the sixth.
Stella: Oh, I’m sorry. Can I ask another question?
Liam: Feel free to ask anything you like.
Stella: Alright, how old were you when your mom got sick?
Liam: She was sick when I was born, I almost died in childbirth but she told the doctors to do anything they could to keep me alive and they did.
Stella: You couldn’t have been old when she… passed.
Liam: I was 14.
Stella: so you didn’t really have the time to be a child then? Living at the hospital and all I mean.
Liam: I had friends but eventually, visiting a friend at the hospital gets a bit creepy I guess…
Stella: Yeah.. I am really sorry that you had to go through all that.
Liam: Yes so am I but you know what? It lead me to the most amazing human beings in the world and somehow, I’m grateful every single day.
Stella:  So somehow, your mother is a hero.
Liam: How do you mean?
Stella: Well, she saved your life when you were born and in a way, she saved your life when she asked Nigel to take you in. You could have easily gone into the system if she hadn’t asked Nigel for that favor, then who knows what you would be doing… and wearing.

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