Chapter 48

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School has started again and everyone is back in their old routines. I woke up at 5 and did my whole morning routine every morning and then I drove myself and Niall to school. After school, I went for coffee with Keli and then I went home, where Niall was getting ready to hit the bar.

It was the same thing every day so I didn’t get surprised when I got out of the lift in our building and Niall stepped out of the front door.

Niall: Hold it!

He called over to me and I stopped the doors. He ran over, looking hot like always, and got into the lift.

Niall: Thanks.
Stella: No problem.
Niall: You want to come with?
Stella: Where you going?
Niall: The bar.
Stella: I’ll pass, I have to find Coco’s real family.
Niall: what’s the harm of her staying with us?
Stella: she’s not ours Niall.
Niall: Whatever, have fun.

I doors closed and I walked into our flat. Coco came running over to me and I picked her up.

Stella: We have to find your mummy, don’t we?

She licked me in the face and I put her back down on the floor and walked into my bedroom. I took my laptop and went out to the livingroom and sat down. I started going through articles about missing pets but she wasn’t in any of them. After a couple of hours with the laptop, I looked over at Coco who was sleeping next to me and I thought that a 5 minute nap could be good. I laid down in the couch and closed my eyes.

A woke up by a loud knock on the front door. Coco was licking my face and when I sat up, I looked out and saw that it was pitch black, I must have gotten more than 5 minutes. I went out of the couch and over to the front door and opened.
Niall almost fell over me and I took a hold of his arms to hold him up.

Stella: wow, steady there champ.
Niall: I’ve such loud!

I nodded, not knowing what the hell he meant as I started walking him into his own bedroom. When we got to the door, he put one of his hands against the wall and I couldn’t get him inside.

Stella: Niall, this is your bedroom.

He nodded and looked at me.

Niall: Yeah.

Niall got out of my grip and he stumbled inside his bedroom. I watched him get into the bed and then I went to the kitchen, got some aspirin and water. I put it next to his bed and closed the door after me.

As I looked at the time, I saw that it was almost morning. I looked at Coco who was running around my feet and I decided to take her for a walk.

I didn’t walk far, just around the building. She did her business and then we went up again. I let her out of her leash and she ran off, I took my shoes off and then I heard her bark. I didn’t want her to wake Niall so I ran after her and found her in my bedroom, next to the bed. She was barking at the bed and as I looked up, I saw Niall lying on his stomach in my bed.

I picked Coco up and walked her out of my bedroom, then I went back inside and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Stella: Niall…

He just groaned and I took my hand on his shoulder.

Stella: Ni, you’re in the wrong bed.
Niall: No.
Stella: I ha-
Niall: there’s plenty of room.

He said into the pillow and I looked to the other side of the bed. I figured it couldn’t hurt, I had slept in his bed a couple of days ago because of the cold and now, he was going to sleep in mine… yeah alright, why not.

I went off the bed, took my clothes off and put on a t-shirt that I slept in and put my hair up in a ponytail. Then I laid down on the other side of the bed, on my back. When I had been there for a couple of seconds, Niall turned his head and looked at me.

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