Chapter 27 - DP

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Monday mornings are always amazing, aren’t they? Well if you’re one of those people who love waking up at 5am on Monday mornings, then I would really appreciate if you would share some of your enthusiasm with me today. I don’t know what was wrong with me, i usually woke up at 5.45am every morning, started the coffeepot, took a shower then had breakfast and said hello to Tom the paper guy. But this morning, I felt like hell. I really had to drag myself out of bed and when I finally got out of bed, I sat on my desk chair for about 15 minutes and just looked through my laptop.

School started at 9 and I got there around 9.36 and when I got into the classroom, I almost fell over on my own feet and I dropped my books to the floor. Ethan looked over at me and so did the whole class, I was ashamed as hell but I went down on my knees and took my books up then went to my seat next to Keli.
I mouthed “Sorry” to Ethan and he continued the lesson for 40 more minutes, then the bell rang and everyone gathered their books and started walking out.

Ethan: Miss Molins, do you have a minute before your next class?

I nodded and walked over to Ethan’s desk in the front of the classroom. Keli said that she was going to wait outside for me and when the room was empty, Ethan turned to me.

Ethan: You okay?
Stella: I’m fine, just tired.
Ethan: Maybe you should take the day off instead.
Stella: No I’m fine; I got back from mum and dads in the middle of the night so I haven’t slept much.
Ethan: Okay, I’m here if you need anything.
Stella: Thank you.

I started walking towards the door then remembered that Niall had asked me to change into his class for English because that’s the only way he would go to class so I turned back to Ethan.

Stella: Eth? Have Niall been in class since… well ever?
Ethan: He was in once but left 10 minutes into the lesson. Why?
Stella: I want to change my schedule, so I’ve got English with him.
Ethan: No, that’s not happening.
Stella: You don’t get it-
Ethan: No Stella, you don’t get it. He’s not good for you and I’m not putting the two of you in the same class.
Stella:  Why not? Only thing that will happen is that he will actually turn up for class!

Ethan looked at me and clenched his jaw, turned his head down to the desk then back up at me again.

Ethan: And you can guarantee that?
Stella: Yes I can. Look, if it doesn’t work this first semester, then I’ll switch back, okay?
Ethan: Tell you what, I’ll get the two of you in the same English class, if you go home and get some rest.
Stella: I can’t miss the whole day Ethan.
Ethan: I’ll write up that I sent you home, it’ll be fine.

I took a deep breath as he looked at me and when I rolled my eyes, he smiled.

Ethan: We’ve got a deal.
Stella: fine, text me my new schedule tonight?
Ethan: I will do that.

I thanked him, grabbed my stuff then went out of the classroom. Keli was standing outside of the door, waiting for me.

Keli: What did he want?
Stella: He just wanted to know if I was okay.
Keli: And you are, right?
Stella: I am, but I’m going home for the day.
Keli: no, why?
Stella: I'm tired as fuck.. but hey, walk me out to the car?
Keli: Sure thing. So how was your mums?

We started walking out to my car and not until we got out there, I told her about Liam.

Stella: So I might need your help tomorrow, after school.
Keli: Okay, with what?
Stella: finding something nice to wear to this date I’ve got on Wednesday.
Keli: You’ve got a date?! Who is the lucky lad?
Stella: His name is Liam and guess what?
Keli: What?
Stella: He drives a brand new F-type Coupe.

Keli’s mouth dropped to the ground and for about 15 seconds, she just stared at me, then she hit me on the shoulder.

Keli: You cunt!
Stella: And I drove it.
Keli: I will kill you! And you’re going out with this guy? How did you meet?
Stella: I’ll tell you about that some other time, just say that you will go shopping with me tomorrow.
Keli: I will go shopping with you tomorrow and you will tell me all about this guy tomorrow.

I nodded, we hugged then I got into the car and drove back to the flat. As I got inside, I heard the shower running and I took my shoes off and went straight into my bedroom. I took off my clothes and got into my bed and then I just laid there. I couldn’t fall asleep but I was so freaking tired!
When I had laid in bed for about 30 minutes without any luck to fall asleep, I went up again and dressed in my workout tights, a tee and took on my trainers and went out of my room, thinking I would take a run.
As I got to the hallway, Niall walked out of the kitchen and looked at me.

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