Chapter 2

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I finally managed to fall asleep last night and even though it’s Saturday today, I woke up at 5.45 and made my way out to the kitchen.

I started the coffee then went into the shower. 15 minutes later, I walked back to the kitchen and like every other day, the coffee was ready for me to drink. I had this routine where I woke up, started the coffee machine and then took a shower and the coffee is always perfect when I get out of the shower, today were no exception.

I took a bowl from the top shelf and poured some milk and cornflakes in it then put it next to my coffee on the kitchen counter. I took an apple from the fridge and walked to the front door, I opened it just as the mail man (whose name were Tom) came with the mornings newspaper.

I handed him the apple and he handed me the paper.

Tom: Morning Stella.
Stella: Good morning Tom, how’s the round going?
Tom: Like usual, it’s Saturday and all the sane people are sleeping.

He winked at me and I got the hint. He then thanked for the apple and kept walking.

I went back into the kitchen with the paper in my hand and when I got in there, the girl Niall brought home yesterday was drinking my coffee.

Stella: Excuse me?

She looked up at me and smiled then pointed at the coffee.

Girl: This taste great, better than starbucks.
Stella: Thank you…?
Girl: You’re welcome! Hey, can you tell Thomas that I had to go to my sister’s wedding reception earlier?
Stella: Thomas?

She nodded and pointed over to the bedrooms and I couldn’t help but laugh.

Stella: I’ll tell Thomas.
Girl: Oh you’re a pearl! Well I’ll see you around.

She walked pass me and seconds later, I heard the front door close. And a couple of seconds later, Niall walked into the kitchen. He looked around a second before his eyes landed on me.

Niall: Did she leave?
Stella: Yes Thomas, she left. And she told me to tell Thomas that she had to go to her sister’s wedding reception earlier.

Niall laughed and took a mug from the cabinet and poured himself some coffee.

Niall: Don’t know where she got Thomas from.
Stella: Sure! Why are you even up now?
Niall: I.. I have no idea. What time is it?
Stella: 6.13
Niall: It’s the middle of the night! I’m going back to bed!

He said and poured the coffee down the drain.

Stella: Hey I’m going to practice today, do you think you can go to the store and get some milk?
Niall: Yeah sure, just text me about it later so I’ll remember.
Stella: Will do.

He walked back into the bedrooms and I finished my cereals then put the bowl and the mugs in the dishwasher.

When I had gotten dressed in my work out shorts and a t-shirt, I grabbed my purse and went out the door to my car.

15 minutes later, I drove up on the driveway to the dance studio. There were other cars there and I knew that Keli and James would be inside. They were some of the best dancers in our “crew” and whenever we got the chance to practice outside of school time, we took it.

I walked into the studio and the song “blurred lines” were playing. No surprise there since it was THE song to warm up to.

I walked into where they were dancing and I saw some of the moves then jumped in. It wasn’t very hard and our moves basically revolved around James, who was the “front dancer” for this particular song.

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