Chapter 41

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( I decided to not end this sotry just yet. It's like they say 'Why change a winning... something', I hope you guys like this and please press the VOTE button if you feel like it :))

I pushed the breaks on my car as hard as I could when I saw Ethan standing outside of the diner where we had my mum’s birthday lunch. He must have heard the breaks as he turned around and followed the car with his eyes, when he saw that it was me, he started laughing and walked over to me. I jumped out of the car and took my arms around my chest, it was freezing outside!

Ethan: Stella, surprise seeing you here!

Stella: You too, spending Christmas at your parent’s?

Ethan: That was the plan, yes. You?

Stella: I was, but not anymore.

Ethan: How come?

Stella: It’s really cold, want to grab a coffee inside?

He looked at me for a couple of seconds, making me feel uncomfortable for asking.

Ethan: Sure, if you tell me all about that fiancée of yours.

Stella: how do you know about Liam?

Ethan: Niall… Let’s take this inside.

I nodded and we walked inside and took a table by the window. A waitress came over and when we got our coffee, we started talking.

Ethan: So, Liam is it?

Stella: Well it was, not anymore.

Ethan: why?

Stella: Let’s just say that the two of us getting married would be illegal.

Ethan: That doesn’t sound good.

I laughed and drank some coffee.

Stella: So you and Niall are talking?

Ethan: No not really, he just called about an assignment and I asked if you were alright and he said that you were marrying some dickhead.

Stella: sounds like Niall.

Ethan: So the wedding is off then?

Stella: It’s off, thank god.

Ethan: And are you on the rebound? Totally heartbroken and all that?

Stella: Not really no, I’m ready to get out there again!

He nodded and kept his eyes on me, I saw that there was something he wanted to say.

Stella: Come on, shoot it.

Ethan: What?

Stella: You’re doing that thing with your eyes when you want to ask something.

Ethan: I didn’t realize I did that.. or that you noticed.

Stella: But I did so what’s up?

Ethan: Nothing really, it’s probably ridiculous.

Stella: Try me!

Ethan: no look, I’ve already asked you once and I’m not over the humiliation from that time yet, so just forget about it.

I thought about what he was referring to and my mind traveled back to the time he and Jacob came to my flat in London and he asked me out on a date, which I turned down without thinking another second about it because he was going to be my teacher. This time, I thought I could spare him the humiliation.

Stella: Okay, then can I ask you something?

Ethan: Sure?

Stella: Would you go out with me?

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