Chapter 30

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I came down to the first floor and I saw Liam standing outside of his car, leaning against the door and as I walked over to him, he smiled and started walking towards me. He embraced me in a hug and he smelled so nice! When we pulled out of the hug, he looked at me and smiled again.

Liam: You look great.
Stella: Yeah? I didn’t really know what to wear since you didn’t tell me where we were going.
Liam: Well that’s perfect.

He opened the door to his car for me and I jumped into the passenger side. He jumped in too and started the car.

Stella: It’s a bit unfair that I can’t drive your car.
Liam: I agree but then I would have to tell you where we are going and then it wouldn’t be a surprise. So just buckle up and enjoy the ride.

I laughed and did as told. We had been on the road for about 10 minutes when he turned into a parking lot next to a building that looked bigger than that arena they play football at.

Stella: What is this place?
Liam:  You’ll see.

He went out of the car and so did I; he opened the trunk and got out a picnic basket and two thick scarfs. I had no idea what was going to happen, but the feeling of not knowing was kind of exciting.

We walked over to the huge building and I thought that we were entering through the door, but then Liam walked over to a fence and I followed him.

Liam: ready?
Stella: I’m not climbing that, it’s to-

He took a hold of the fence and moved it a bit so we could walk through and I stopped talking. We went through the fence and over to another door, this door was open and Liam held it open for me. When I got inside, it was pitch black and all I felt was a cold breeze, like we were in a freezer.
I looked back at Liam and grabbed his arm.

Stella: Liam I-

He turned the lights on and I looked from him and out to the room infront of us. It wasn’t just “a room”, it was a freaking ice skating room. Like, the whole floor was filled with ice and it looked like a place where they usually played ice hockey. I looked at Liam again and he smiled and looked at the place.

Liam: Beautiful, isn’t it?
Stella: Yes but… should we be here?

He laughed and started walking towards another door. I was still holding his arm and I walked with him. We got into another room and he put the picnic basket down. The room was all white with a brown bench in the middle of it and there was hanging ice skates on the walls. Liam gestured for me to sit down and I did.

Liam: what size?
Stella: eh… a 5?
Liam: 5 it is.

He grabbed a pair of skates from the wall and sat down infront of me, on the floor. He took my shoes off and put the skates on. I couldn’t help but get chills by the way he touched my feet, he had such a tender touch and it was all real lovely.

About 10 minutes later, we got out to the ice. This was where I started regretting this… well no, I actually regretted this the second we went through the fences to a place I was sure we weren’t allowed to be at, but it was exciting and I needed exciting.

Liam held my hands as we skated into the middle of the rink; I was like bambi on ice but Liam didn’t seem to mind and I sure as hell didn’t mind because it just meant that he would have to hold me even more.

When I had learned to atleast stand on my own, he let go of me and I almost freaked out.

Stella: Nooo don’t do that!

He laughed and skated off about 4 meters away from me.

Liam: come on, skate over here and I’ll give you a Twinkie!

I laughed and put my hands out on each side. I told myself that it was easy; it was just like balancing on one of those dance lessons when we walked on sticks and if we fell, we got detention and soon enough, I got close enough to Liam to throw myself into his arms. He laughed but caught me with both his arms. He wrapped them around me and kept me tight; I looked up at him and smiled.

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