Chapter 98

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(I have decided to only post 100 chapters of this story so i hope you will enjoy the last 2 chapters! Please press the star to vote Xx)

I put down the last pair of underwear in my suitcase as Niall called me from the hallway,


I looked around the room at all the packed boxes. We had spent the last week packing down Niall’s stuff into boxes so he could move it up to our old flat when he came back from Hanwell, which I figured wouldn’t be too long from now.  

I had planned our time in Hanwell carefully. We would arrive today around 3pm since the ride there took 1 hour and 40 minutes. When we got there, we would go to the room at the Boston Manor hotel and unpack then head for dinner at the restaurant at the hotel. Then we would probably just check out Hanwell a bit and then head back to the hotel. I didn’t want to take him to the cemetery today and just ruin the whole trip the first day, no I had decided to wait until tomorrow to drive us to the cemetery because I didn’t want to wait too long either.

We got out to the parking lot and Niall looked at me,

Niall: Which car?

Stella: Can we take mine?

He nodded and grabbed my suitcase as I unlocked the car. He put the cases in the back of the car and then grabbed the keys from me.

Stella: I can drive.

Niall: Nah, I haven’t driven your car in ages. I kinda miss it.

I laughed and jumped into the passenger seat.

Niall: I got some magazines for you to read on the way there.

He said and handed me a whole bunch of magazines. I looked through them and when we had been in the car for about 50 minutes, I got to the magazine which contained Jacob’s article and I thought back at when Ethan kissed me and basically told me he loved me, then I opened the magazine and looked for Jacob’s story.

I found it on page 14.

“ Once upon a time… isn’t that how all stories start these days?

Well unfotunally, this isn’t an exception because what I am about to tell you actually happened

once upon a time in a small town in southern England.

There was a girl, let’s call her Miss A.

Then there was a boy, we will be calling him Mr. B and he was a couple of years older than Miss A,

but that didn’t stop them from becoming friends. Good friends actually.

I remember being the witness at their wedding, when they gave each other lollipop-rings.

And I remember Mr. B coming to me afterwards and telling me that someday, he would marry Miss A, for real.  

This was years ago and both of them moved on. They didn’t talk for a couple of years but when they eventually

saw each other again, there was a spark. They might not have noticed but everyone around them did.

A while back, Mr. B came to me again and he said;

“It’s hopeless, I’m actually really afraid that no one will fall in love with me.”

and I gave him the advice to talk to Miss A, which he did and then he came to me again and he said;

“It’s her. No matter how many other girls I will be with, it will always be her.”

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