Chapter 5

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The elevator doors opened, I looked outside and saw Louis, he smiled and I took a deep breath before walking out the elevator. I took my fingers down from my lips and walked over to him.

Louis: You look gorgeous.
Stella: Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself.
Louis: Good, that’s what I was going for!

We both laughed and we walked out to his car. He opened the door for me and I jumped in. Before he came into the car, I looked in the mirror to see how my lipstick looked. Luckily, it was fine.
Louis jumped in next to me and started the car.

Louis: I booked at table at this restaurant a couple of blocks away, is that ok?
Stella: Yeah that’s great.

I looked at him and he smiled, keeping both hands on the wheel. He looked just as nervous as I and that sort of calmed my nervousness a bit.
I must have shut him out for a second because suddenly he looked at me with a questioning face.

Stella: Sorry what’s that?
Louis: Niall?
Stella: hu? What about Niall? He’s just my roommate.
Louis: Yes I know he’s your roommate. I asked you if he was mad when you left.
Stella: Oh… No I can’t say he was.
Louis: Good, he was kind of pissed when I asked you out the other day.
Stella: Yeah what happened that night anyways? You all went out together and then you had to drive him back?
Louis: Well everyone had been drinking except I, I didn’t want him to crash your car on the way home.
Stella: Oh my god, please tell me you didn’t walk home that night.

He shrugged his shoulders and I took my hands infront of my face.

Stella: no! You should have told me! I would have driven you home!

He started laughing and one of his hands took down my hands from my face. I looked over at him (with blood red cheeks I imagine) and he looked at me.

Louis: It was a nice walk. Plus, your ankle was still healing.
Stella: It still is. That’s the reason to why I’m not wearing heels to impress you tonight. You mum told me it’s a no go.
Louis: Yeah better listen to my mum. Besides, I like those shoes.

He said and looked down at my feet and smiled. Then he turned back to the road and 10 minutes later, he stopped the car outside a restaurant.

It looked really fancy and I felt like I was dressed so wrong. But Louis jumped out the car, walked over to my side and opened my door. He took my hand as I jumped out and when my foot hit the ground, my ankle hurt again. I really didn’t want to fall right now so I told myself to suck it up and smile.
We walked into the restaurant and there was this girl by the door that handed us 2 menus after asking what name the table was booked in. Louis told her his last name and we started walking.

The walk past the women that had dressed correctly for this fancy place felt like an eternity. Louis was holding my arm and I leaned in and whispered to him,

Stella: I should have worn heels!

He laughed and the girl showing us our table turned around and gave us one of those fake smiles. We got to the table and it was a booth. The couches were dressed in red satin fabric and it was very nice. We looked through the menus, ordered and then sat there and waited for our food while making small talk.

Louis: Okay, I’ve got it. Your favorite singer?
Stella: Does he have to be famous?
Louis: Nope, but I must have heard of him or atleast being able to look him up so I can impress you with singing one of his songs.

I laughed and took a sip of my water.

Stella: You know him quite well actually. I must say that my favorite singer is Niall.
Louis: Niall?

He said with an uncertainty in his voice.  

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