Chapter 53

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("I looked away from the pictures and up at Maura. She looked at me with sadness in her eyes and I felt like throwing up.

Stella: She... she looks exactly like me." - chapter 52)

I took one of the pictures from the photo album and looked closer at it. She was wearing a blossomy peplum shirt and a small smile on her lips. She literally looked like me, the eyes, nose, eyebrows and her hair, except that she had brown hair. I looked at Maura then stood up.

Stella: Excuse me?

She nodded and I walked out of the kitchen, I planned on going into the bathroom but then I realized that I have no idea where the bathroom is, so I went to the hallway instead. I remembered that there was a mirror there next to the door and I put the picture up and looked at myself and Clarisse. The resemblance was sick and I instantly felt like throwing up but once again, I didn’t know where the bathroom was so instead, I opened the front door and went outside, thinking that some fresh air would do me good. I grabbed my purse and opened the door.

As I got outside, I looked at the picture again and I took a deep breathe.

Niall: What’s that?

I heard Niall ask from the street. I looked over at him and shook my head.

Stella: it’s eh…

Niall: Stella, why are you crying? I didn’t mean to make you cry…

He said as he walked closer to me. I kept shaking my head and before Niall said it, I hadn’t realized that I was crying. Why the hell was I crying for?! God, I’m such a baby!

He got over to me and I took a step away from him but he grabbed my hand and made me look at him.

Niall: I’m sorry that I-

Stella: It has nothing to do with what happened!

Niall: Then why are you crying?

I looked at him then down at the picture. I sighed and pushed him on his chest with the picture. He took a step back and took the picture and looked at it.

Niall: How…did you… fuck!

Stella: Yeah, guess I got my answer to why you’re keeping me around.

Niall: It’s not like that…

Stella: Right well, fuck you Niall.

I said and started walking away from the house. He followed me, trying to come up with something to say but I don’t think there’s anything that he can say that would make this magically disappear.

Suddenly, I felt him grab my arm once again and I turned around and dragged it back.

Stella: WHAT!

I yelled and his fists tensed as he kept his eyes on me.

Niall: Have you ever lost someone you love and all you wanted was one more conversation, one more chance to make up for all the shit you’ve done?

I didn’t answer him; I just felt like pushing him away from me and rush off. But then again, I had no idea where to go.

Niall: okay look, I'm sorry I didn’t tell you.

Stella: Are you? Are you really Niall? Because your DEAD ex-girlfriend looks like your curre… me! And that’s just so fucked up, you have no idea!

Niall: I know that it’s fucked up Stella!


He took a deep breath and I felt my eyes begin to water again and I had to look away. I took my thumb under my eye and took deep breath too.

Stella: I think…

There was a honk from a cab driving pass and I took my hand up, stopping it.

Stella: I’ll just go back to England, good luck with your friend tonight.

I said as I walked over to the cab and jumped in. I saw Niall looking after the cab and as it turned around a corner, he kicked a brick wall with his foot. I looked at the driver and he shot me a smile.

Stella: Closest airport please.

Driver: Sure thing Miss.

2 hours later, I was sitting in an airport. I had been sitting here for an hour and 45 minute already and it started getting boring. I was leaning on my elbows, almost falling asleep when I heard someone sit down next to me. I opened my eyes and looked to my side.

Stella: What are you doing here?

Niall: You don’t have your passport or your ticket; it’s a bit hard to get back home without it.

Stella: So you came to give it to me?

He nodded and handed me my bag with all my stuff in it.

Stella: Great.

He nodded as he drew his finger nails back and forth on his jeans and I saw that his knuckles was busted, which got me to feel a bit bad for him.  Then my flight was finally called out and we both stood up.

Niall: Will I see you when I get back?

I hadn’t thought about that but apparently my subconscious had as I shook my head.

Stella: No, I don’t think we will see each other for a while.

Niall: Okay, I get that.

We stood there, looking at each other, saying nothing. But it was the kind of nothing that meant everything. The flight was called again and I walked away.

Niall: Bye Stel.

I didn’t turn around to say bye, I just nodded my head and walked to the entrance.

When I got back to London, I immediately called Keli.


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