Chapter 33

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It’s Thursday. I’ve been with Liam in the house for 4 days and to be honest, it’s been real nice. We’ve been doing things each day actually and I have still been able to catch up on some homework.

Like this Monday, we took a drive with his car to Druridge Bay, which is a stunning seven mile stretch of sand running from Amble to Cresswell and even though it’s the middle of September, we just took a stroll there for a while.

On Tuesday, we visited The Alnwick Garden, which was incredible; it is a complex of formal gardens adjacent to Alnwick Castle and I hadn’t been there for a long time so to revisit the garden was real nice. Liam actually enjoyed it too and I think he filled his camera up with pictures.
I especially liked the one of the two of us together…

Yesterday, we went to Croft Park to see a football game. It wasn’t my first choice of a thing to do but Liam convinced me and I actually ended up having fun. I had never really cared much for football, even Niall had tried to get me to watch more of it but I just never understood why there’s like 24 guys chasing one ball, it’s strange and unnecessary. But I had fun and there were a lot of pictures taken there too!

Today, we had decided on just taking it easy and not do much. After a week of driving across the town, it could be nice to just hang around the house and do nothing. We both woke up around lunch time; I took a shower while he fixed some things for work, then he took a shower while I got dressed. We still hadn’t had sex, or seen each other naked. I just wasn’t ready for that yet which was a bit weird since I could have Niall fucking me against the wall in the hallway and to be honest, Liam didn’t seem to want it either, maybe I was just being ridiculous.

Speaking of Niall, I hadn’t talked to him since I left the flat last week. Not that I didn’t want to talk to him, I just didn’t find the time to because of all the activities with Liam. But not having sex with Liam or Niall quickly developed into a very horny me. Just imagine going from having lots of sex to no sex… or let’s say, drinking lots of coke and then just one day, stop with everything fizzy. You’ll get withdrawal symptoms and it’s not fun.

When I heard Liam turn of the shower, I was looking through my bag after a shirt to wear, I had managed to get on a pair of jeans by now. Soon enough, I heard an “ohh” behind me and I turned around, holding a white t-shirt infront of my chest. Since the whole “don’t wear a bra” thing with Niall, I hadn’t worn a bra so when Liam’s eyes went from my eyes to my chest, I realized that the fabric infront of me, wasn’t covering up everything.
I quickly took the tee on and then looked back at him again.

Stella: Sorry..
Liam: No it’s.. quite alright.

He smiled a teasing smile as he walked pass me with just the towel around his hips, and grabbed a shirt behind me.

Stella: okay well I’ll go and make something to eat. You’re hungry right?
Liam: I can eat.
Stella: Good!

I walked out of the bedroom and started walking down the hall towards the kitchen. I didn’t really want to make anything to eat; I just didn’t want to stay in the bedroom any longer because I wouldn’t probably end up making a move on him.
When I realized that there was no food in the kitchen, Liam just walked in there and looked at me.

Stella: We need to go food shopping.
Liam: Or we can eat at that place your mum had her birthday lunch at.
Stella: I thought you didn’t want to go anywhere today.
Liam: well I don’t mind going there; it’s just like 10 minutes away.
Stella: Alright, we’ll go there then.

We both got our shoes and jackets on and drove to the restaurant. When we jumped out of his car, I heard someone call my name and I turned around and saw Ethan walking towards me.
Liam quickly came over to my side and took my hand, which was nice.

Ethan: Stel!

He came over and wrapped his arms around me in a hug, making Liam let go of my hand.

Stella: Hi! I didn’t know you were back here?
Ethan: you’re not the only one on break.
Stella: yeah that’s true.
Ethan: yes so…

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