Chapter 31 - DP

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The days went on as usual. Niall had a new girl in bed each night and I went out with Liam each night. He took me to different places each time, like yesterday, we went to a marshmallow making factory where we were allowed to make our own marshmallows in any color we wanted. Mine ended up being both green and orange, which was pretty cool and the day before that, which was on Thursday, we went to the trocadero. It's an entertainment complex and when we got there, the first thing that caught my eye was the neon lights, the bleeps and dings of arcade games and the smell of sugar-heavy snacks. It was awesome!

Those two dates and the one by the rink had been some of the best days in my "date life" but it was over for this week. Liam was going back to Watford and I was spending my Saturday with catching up on my homework. Liam had stayed in London these last couple of days, at a hotel of course, because he was a gentleman!

At the moment, we were standing outside my flat building, saying goodbye.

He had his arms wrapped around me and we stood there silent for a while before I looked up at him and he kissed me on the nose. I smiled and put my head back at his chest and just inhaled his smell. I swear to god, this man smelled like a freaking cupcake and I really didn't want to let him go, but I unwillingly pulled away and let go of him.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back in and placed his lips on mine. Each time we kissed, he brought me back to that night at the rink.

Liam: Alright, okay... I have to go now.

He pouted his lips and I couldn't help but kiss him again.

Stella: Don't leave, I like you.
Liam: And I like you, but I have a responsibility and you've got homework to do.
Stella: Okay fine! When will I see you again?
Liam: I have next Thursday off?
Stella: I can't, I have a dance thing that day.
Liam: What about next Sunday?
Stella: I'm going to my parent's on Sunday, going to housesit while they are off to Fiji.
Liam: well how about I call you?
Stella: Yeah do that.

He nodded and put his hand on my cheek and kissed me again. Neither one of us wanted him to leave but eventually, he jumped into the car. He rolled down the window and I leaned in and kissed him again and when I turned around to walk away, he slapped me on the bum.

Stella: Ohh I like that!

I said and winked at him. He took a deep breath like he was restraining himself and I found that real funny and incredible sexy.

Liam: I'll call you when I'm home.
Stella: Bye...

I waved him off and when I didn't see him car anymore, I went up to the flat. When I got inside, I heard music from the kitchen and I walked in there to see Niall standing behind the stove, singing in a spatula with closed eyes. There was something on the stove that had started getting a bit to burnt but he didn't seem to realize.

Stella: you're burning the food.

He stopped singing and the spatula went down into the pan as he opened his eyes. I couldn't help but laugh as he turned the stove off and took his burnt bacon over on a plate.

Niall: What are you doing here? I thought you would spend another night with Mr dickhead.
Stella: Oh it's "Mr" now, is it?
Niall: Whatever.
Stella: And I haven't been spending the nights with him, I've slept home every night but I don't expect you to notice. After all, the screaming in your bedroom can be kind of distracting.
Niall: awh, is someone jealous?
Stella: Definitely not.

Niall took a seat by the table but I stayed at the entrance and looked at him. He took a piece of the bacon in his mouth then looked up at me.

Niall: Why are you staring at me...?
Stella: do you want to have sex?

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