Chapter 66

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It took me and Niall 2 days to decide what to do. I couldn’t take it any longer, being with him and not knowing if he would be faithful and he couldn’t be with me anymore and not knowing if I really liked him or not. Of course I did, but after he found Harry’s shirt under the couch, he started to doubt me when I said that I like him. And Harry’s shirt was only lying under the couch because he had changed clothes in the flat one day and he must have forgotten it there, NOTHING happened between me and Harry!

But Niall didn’t seem to see it that way so after hours of talking; I called Jacob and asked if I could sleep on his couch. That was not a problem and soon enough, I had emptied all my stuff from the flat and I had booked a meeting with the relater so I could sign over the flat to Niall. I didn’t want to live there anymore, not after all the bad things that happened there, I wanted a fresh start and for now, living with my brother in my best friends flat was enough.

3 months passed and I celebrated New Year’s with Jacob in the flat. It was the two of us and his new girlfriend, whose name I didn’t bother to learn.

I didn’t bother to do much those past 3 months, I had just been. I quit my job at the club and just kept myself out of everything.

I wasn’t sad over leaving Niall because it was a mutual decision, we both wanted it. But I wasn’t very happy about it either because… well it’s Niall!

In the middle of January, I was standing with Jacob’s iPad in the bathroom while brushing my teeth, looking for my own place. When I was done brushing my teeth, I walked out to the kitchen where Jacob was sitting with Camille, yeah I had learned her name eventually…

Stella: There’s seriously not a fucking place anywhere!

Jacob: I don’t mind you staying here.

Stella: Yeah well I’m tired of hearing moaning every night.

Camille: I told you to be more quiet, Jacob!

He laughed and kissed her on the cheek, he seemed to really like her.

Stella: Aren’t you moving out soon too? When will Keli be back?

Jacob: not until June I think. So I’ve got 5 months to find something.

Stella: Then you should probably start looking.

I said and gave him the iPad. I took some cereal and started eating my breakfast, when I noticed that Camille was looking at me.

Stella: What’s up?

Camille: Nothing..

Stella: Come on, you’re staring.

Camille: Jacob told me not to say anything.

Stella: Fuck Jacob!

Jacob: Been there, done that, going back tonight.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Camille.

Camille: Okay well, it’s been 3 months since Niall, right?

Stella: Something like that, I’m not keeping cont.

3 months and 5 days to be exact…

Camille: Yes okay because I have this friend-

Stella: I’m not being set up with someone, that’s so fifth grade.

Camille: But he’s really nice and I think you would be so cool together!

Stella: Nope.

Camille: Pleeease!

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