Chapter 38

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We drove back to the flat around 9.30 and Keli jumped out of the car, leaving me and Liam alone.

Stella: I had fun.

Liam: So did I. The lads really like you.

Stella: I like them too. They look like men who would sue the shit out of me but they act like a silly baby brother.

Liam: I’ll tell them you said that.

I laughed and leaned over and kissed my fiancée on the lips. His hand let go of the steering wheel and went on my hip. I moaned and pulled away.

Stella: Do we really have to wait to have sex until we’re married?

Liam: Yes, we do.

Stella: Fine, it better be worth it!

He laughed and I opened the door and went out. He drove off and when I couldn’t see him anymore, I turned to Keli.

Keli: Well that was fun.

Stella: It was.

Keli: You’re still not sure you want to marry him?

Stella: I mean, I like him and all but tonight, it felt more like he was a good friend than my husband to be.

Keli: Then maybe you should tell him that.

I nodded and we walked towards Keli’s car. She drove off and I went up into the flat again. When I got inside, it was still empty, which meant that Niall wasn’t home. I couldn’t blame him actually.

I went into my bedroom and got undressed then laid down in the bed and took up my phone and texted Louis.

S: niall isn’t here, do you know if he’s okay?

I while later, I got a text back.

L: He’s fine, I just put him on the bus home. Get ready for a surprise…

S: What do you mean?

L: You’ll see.

S: Is he still mad at me?

L: You will have to ask him that, sorry babe. I’m going to bed, night Xx.

I put my phone down and got out of the bed. I was planning on going to sleep but Niall was apparently bringing home a surprise? Fuck sake! I took my night shirt on and walked out to the livingroom and started watching the TV.

About an hour into a reality show, I heard the door open and close and footsteps coming closer to me. I turned around and Niall stood in the door opening, with his hands behind his back.

Niall: Stella! Hi!

Stella: Hello.. what you got there?

Niall: Where?

Stella: In your hand?

Niall: which hand?

Stella: The one behind your back.

He had obviously been drinking.

Niall: oh this one?

He said and took out his left hand, which was empty.

Stella: The other one.

He took his left hand back and took his right hand out, which was also empty.

Niall: Nope, nothing there either.  Oops, okay, goodnight.

He said and started walking towards his bedroom door, still holding both hands behind him and walking so I couldn’t see what he was holding. Before he managed to open his door, I heard a bark and my eyes widened extremely as I looked over at Niall.

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