chapter 37

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Liam left early this morning, he had to go to work but since its Saturday, I don’t have to move from my bed. I did on the other hand; take up my phone and texted Niall that he could come home. As I put my phone back down on the nightstand, I looked at the ring on my finger.

Stella: What have you done Stella… what have you done?

I kept telling myself that it was okay, that everything was going to be fine. Then I must have fallen asleep again because I suddenly jumped 3 meters into the air, from a knock on my door.


He screamed and I rubbed my eyes and got out of the bed, I got dressed in a shirt that was way too big for me, and a pair of gloves. Last night, Liam and I had talked about when we were going to tell our parents, we had decided on Christmas since that was the next time we were all going to be together. But we were going out tonight, to have a small celebration.

When I was dressed, I walked out of my bedroom, holding my hands behind me even though they were covered in gloves. As I walked towards the kitchen, I heard Niall talk to someone and I figured it was a girl from the pub, but when I got into the kitchen, Louis was there.

Louis: Good morning, had a nice sleep?

He said with a smirk on his lips.

Niall: oh please, she’s probably the only one who got some sleep last night. Her boyfriend hasn’t fucked her yet.
Stella: Do you have to use those words?
Niall: You don’t mind them in other contexts.

He said as he reached a cup of coffee out to me. I took it with both hands and Niall looked strangely at my gloves.

Stella: I’m cold, okay?
Niall: Okay. So I heard you had a nice time last night?
Stella: It was fine. So Louis, is your TV really stolen?
Louis: Nope, I just wanted to watch some TV with you and the fancy boy.
Stella: Okay.

I walked back into my bedroom and put my coffee on the desk next to my laptop, I took of my gloves and took the cup again. I sat down on the edge of my bed and took a sip of my coffee, then there was a knock on my door and before I had the opportunity to answer, the door opened and Niall walked in. He didn’t close the door behind him as he stood infront of me.

Niall: Hey, are you okay? Did something ha…

I took another sip of my coffee and Niall stopped talking.

Niall: oh…

I looked down at my mug and realized that I was holding it with my left hand, the hand with the ring on. Niall kept looking at my hand and I put the coffee on the nightstand and took a deep breath.

Niall: fuck…
Stella: Yeah.
Niall: Where you planning on telling me?
Stella: I wasn’t… well not for a while atleast.
Niall: Wow, okay. That’s fucked up Stella!
Stella: I didn’t know what to do!

He screamed back and Louis walked over to my bedroom.

Stella: please don’t-
Niall: DON’T WHAT?!
Stella: Let me remind you why we had to stop having sex, BECAUSE YOU GOT FEELING FOR ME!

His jaw clenched and he took his hands through his hair, I knew he was angry, hell the neighbors knew he was angry.

Niall: No that’s where you’re wrong Stella; you mean NOTHING to me!

He spat then walked out of my room. I would be lying if I said that that didn’t hurt, but I refused to let it show. Instead, I looked up straight into Louis’ eyes. He looked confused over the sudden information he had just gotten.

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