Chapter 32

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I spent the whole weekend doing homework and once in a while, doing Niall. Even though I thought it couldn’t happen, the sex got better each time we did it which meant that none of us wanted to stop doing it. But eventually, both of us had to sleep but neither one of us actually fell asleep until 4am on Monday morning.

When my alarm rang 1 hour and 45 minutes later, I felt strangely awake.

I did my routine and 10 minutes before I was going to walk out the door, Niall walked out of his bedroom. He was wearing only a pair of his black tight boxers which outlined him completely and I, of course, couldn’t help but look.

Niall: good morning.
Stella: I’d say.

He looked up at me and realized that I was looking at him and then he shook his head.

Niall: we have fucked more this weekend than I usually do in a week, I’m worn out.
Stella: I’m not, I’m strangely awake.
Niall: that’s because you’re strange.

He went over to our cereal locker and took out the cornflakes, then he walked back into his room. I went into the hallway, took my shoes off and went out of the door. Just as I stepped into the lift and the doors was about to close, Niall jumped in. He was dressed and everything, looking really good, except that he had the cornflakes package with him.

Niall: Thanks for waiting ey!
Stella: I didn’t know if you were going to school today.
Niall: I have English, I have to go.
Stella: With that?

I pointed on his cornflakes and he stuck his hand down the package then put it in his mouth.

Niall: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Stella: Okay then.

We got to school a bit later and Keli was waiting outside for me, I saw her but she didn’t see me and I parked the car and got ready to jump out of the car when Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me back, close enough to him that I could hear his breathing.

Niall: see you at home later?

I nodded and a smirk spread on his lips before he kissed me. I kissed him back and his hand went from holding a firm grip on my wrist to grabbing my hair. He pulled me away with the help of his grip in my hair and then he opened the door and stepped out of the car.

I went over to Keli, still a bit breathless after that kiss but I managed to get myself together a bit before I reached Keli. She looked after Niall as he walked and then she looked at me.

Keli: He seems different.
Stella: What? No, he’s not.. he’s just tired!
Keli: alright, calm down… Have you brushed your hair today?

Her hand went up to behind my head and I realized that Niall had made my hair tangle.

Stella: ehm yeah I just.. I wore a hat in the car because it’s cold and-
Keli: Here’s a brush.

She handed me a hairbrush and I fixed my hair while we walked into the school.

After about 3 classes, it was lunch time and I and Keli went down to the restaurant together. As we sat and ate our food, she suddenly stopped and looked over at the entrance.

Stella: What is it?
Keli: that’s the first…

I looked back and saw Niall walking inside. Last time I saw him here was when we were having lunch together. I turned back to Keli and shrugged my shoulders.

Stella: he’s just having lunch.
Keli: He’s walking over here.

And right she was. Niall came over and looked at me; I looked up at him and gestured to the seat next to me.

Stella: Want to sit?
Niall: sure.

He sat down infront of me, next to Keli and I saw how uncomfortable she got. Niall ate his food then looked at Keli. She kept looking down on her plate and he took his arm around her, which surprised both of us.

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