Chapter 28 - DP

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It’s Tuesday morning. I spent the rest of my Monday in my room yesterday, I felt like a little kid that had been sent to her room for making a mess in the kitchen or something. I mean, I could of course leave my room whenever I wanted to but I didn’t want to risk seeing Niall. I don’t think he was angry with me, I think I’m angrier at him than he is on me. I just couldn’t understand how he could buy my parent’s a trip to Fiji and not think about mentioning it to me. Gaaah! I will have to go by an ATM today in town and get some money for him, I owe him a lot of money now and if I knew Niall right, he wouldn’t let me pay him back, but I had to!

When I woke up this morning, I knew that Niall wouldn’t be awake at 5.45 so I didn’t worry about walking into him or anything like that. I did my morning routine and was in school by 9 sharp. I met Keli in the hallway and we walked to history class together.
Since this class was mostly about dead presents, I wasn’t paying much attention. I was more focused on the way the trees changed colors outside of the window than the fact that some presidents had really much in common.

After school, I took my car and drove myself and Keli downtown to get something to wear for tomorrow. As we were walking down the street with stores on each side of us, we did some real talking.

Keli: Okay tell me more about Liam.
Stella: Well he is my mums sister son… ish.
Keli: Stella… I don’t know if you know this but dating your cousin isn’t really legal.
Stella: He isn’t my real cousin, he’s adopted kind of.
Keli: I’m not follo.. wait, we need to go in there!

She took my arm and dragged me into a store called “cassias”.

Stella: Liam’s mum died and my aunt took him in.
Keli: That explains it, then you’re not related at all! I allow this date to continue.
Stella: Why thank you!

She laughed and a couple of minutes later, she had found a couple of outfits for me. We went into the changingrooms and she handed me one after another.

Keli: So where are you going on this date?

I stopped taking on the shirt Keli had handed me when I realized that I had no idea. And he hadn’t called so I didn’t have his number to ask him either.

Stella: I don’t know…
Keli: Great, then we will get two outfits. One for cold and one for warm.
Stella: What if it’s in the middle?
Keli: Then you have something at home!

I agreed and started getting into the shirt again. I ended up buying a Loose Knit Striped Cropped Jumper in Black and Grey with a pair of AX paris high waist jeans for the “cold” option. For the “warm” option, we went for an Aeropostale Daisy Dress and a pair of red tights.
Soon enough, we were heading back to the car when I walked pass an ATM. I stopped and walked back and Keli looked at me.

Keli: You’re withdrawing money?
Stella: Yeah, I owe Niall some.
Keli: Niall? You guys are talking?

We’re doing more than talking…

Stella: Barely, but he bought my mums birthday present and I have to pay him back.
Keli: Oh, what did he buy?
Stella: Just a ticket to Fiji or two.
Keli: what?! That’s fucking amazing!
Stella: No it’s not, it’s horrible!
Keli: Okay… why is it horrible?
Stella:  He can’t just… it costs… my parents!
Keli: Alright Stella, you need to chill! I don’t think he would have bought it if he couldn’t afford it.
Stella: I asked him to buy something easy, not send them across the ocean.
Keli: I think it’s nice of him, did you thank him?
Stella: I… didn’t get the chance to.
Keli: Then thank him tonight when he comes back from the bar.
Stella: Why would he go to the bar on a Tuesday?
Keli: It’s the 13th… isn’t it?
Stella: Ye… oh fuck! It’s his birthday!
Keli: Did you forget?
Stella: I did!

I took out some money and then we hurried to the car and I drove Keli home, thanked her for helping me picking out an outfit and then I drove back to the flat. I skipped the lift and instead ran upstairs because I wanted to catch him before he would leave and since it was starting to get dark outside, he would probably be on his way by now.
As I got into the flat, I heard music from his room and I figured that either 1, he had company or 2, he was getting ready to go get some company.

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