Chapter 25

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My mum’s birthday celebration went on for hours. All of her friends came over, my father’s parents were there and we ended up having around 19 people around the table for dinner. Luckily, dad had made food to last a lifetime.

As we were sat around the dinner table, the questions about my life came, as suspected. They all wanted to know if I was having any booked jobs at the moment, why I was still dancing, if I had any other plans for the future if the dancing doesn’t lead anywhere and so on.

Eventually, the question I had dreaded for a year came from my grandmother Elise, (luckily when there only was my parents, Mari, Nigel, Liam, Jacob and well, my grandpa left around the table).

Elise: Stella, how’s it going with the boys?

Stella: Fine thanks.

Elise: You’re such a beautiful girl, you should have them all lining up.

I looked over at Liam and just looked down on his plate, pretending not to listen.

Stella: I’m doing alright grandma Elise.

Elise: So there is someone special in your life then?

Stella: well not at the moment.

Elise: Why not?

Dad: Mom, leave her be.

Stella: no it’s fine dad. I guess I’m just waiting for the right person to come around.

Elise: Well don’t wait too long; you don’t want to end up being a 40 year old virgin.

Both my parent’s choked on their food and I had to bite my lip not to laugh.

Stella: Thanks for the advice grandma Elise.

Since Liam was sitting on my right side and I knew that he had his watch on his left hand, I grabbed his hand under the table to check the time. It was 6.30 and I almost screamed.

Stella: Shit!

Mum: Stella!

Stella: Sorry! It’s just… I have to get going. I have to get back to London and I have school tomorrow.

Mum: Don't you want to atleast wait until i've opened your gift?

Stella: I have to get going, just call me when you've opened it instead.

Mum: of course love, have a safe ride back.

I stood up and went upstairs, packed my few things together then went back downstairs to the hallway. I put my bag down then went into the dining area and said goodbye to everyone.

Stella: I’ll see you next Sunday mum.

Mum: Yes, we will come over then.

Stella: Happy birthday again.

I kissed my parent’s goodbye then went out of the door and out to my car. Just as I had put the bag in the trunk, I heard the front door slam shut and I looked up to see Liam walk towards me. I closed the trunk and walked over to the door by the driver seat. Liam came over and looked at me with a smile on his lips.

Liam: I’m sad to see you go already.

Stella: Well it’s a 6 hour drive back home so.

Liam: You’ll be home around midnight then?

Stella: Yes, then I will have 4 hours of sleep.

Liam: Alright well, before you go, can I ask you a question?

Stella: Sure, shoot.

Liam: well you know how we went for a drive earlier?

Stella: Yes, how can I forget? Thank you by the way!

Liam: Yeah sure… I was thinking, do you think you would like to do that again? Like, with me?

Stella: Go for a drive?

Liam: Yes, but more in the terms of a…

He did that thing when he leaned back and forth on his feet again and I found it kind of cute.

Stella: You’re asking me out?

Liam: If it’s not to… weird?

Stella: It’s not too weird, I’d like it but-

Liam: There’s always a but..

Stella: I was going to say that you will have to drive to me, in London. If that’s not too much to ask for?

Liam: Not at all! So, when are you free?

Stella: Wednesday?

Liam: Wednesday is great, put your number in my phone and I can call you… tomorrow?

I nodded and he handed me his phone and when I handed it back, he smiled and put his it down his pocket.

Liam: alright, I will see you on Wednesday then.

Stella: Wednesday it is. Goodbye.

He smiled a huge smile and before I knew it, he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and holy fuck, he smelled amazing! He smelled like… you know when your mum is making cookies and you haven’t been home all day and so, when you step inside the house, everything smells like cookies? Yeah that’s how he smelled.

We eventually parted and I jumped into the car and started my 6 hour drive back to London… and Niall.

(Sorry these parts are so short, I hope you enjoy them anyways! XX)

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