Chapter 99

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(I have decided to only post 100 chapters of this story so i hope you will enjoy the last chapter! Please press the star to vote Xx)

I drove around Hanwell for a while, looking for Niall but I couldn’t find him anywhere. When I then eventually got back to the room, I saw that his stuff was still there and I looked out to the balcony and saw him sitting there, talking on the phone. I didn’t want to disturb him so I just took a seat on the bed and waited for him to realize I was back, which didn’t take long.

He soon came in from the balcony and sat down next to me. Neither of us said anything until I looked up at him and saw that he still was crying.

Stella: I am sorry…
Niall: yeah…
Stella: Who were you talking to?
Niall: My mum, she told me that she’s the reason to why we are here.

I nodded and looked back down on my hands, slightly ashamed.

Niall: You should have told me though.
Stella: really? What should I have said? “Niall, we need to go visit the graveyard and your ex-girlfriend because you still have problems that reflects back to her and I, as you right now girlfriend, need you to figure your shit out if you want to go on in this relationship”?

He sighed and shook his head,

Niall: No, but something. Anything. Is this the reason to why you’ve been so off lately?
Stella: Well this and… never mind.
Niall: No, tell me.

I shook my head and looked over at my jeans lying over at the floor. The paper from the magazine that I had ripped out was showing and soon enough, Niall noticed that I was looking and he left the bed and grabbed the paper.

Stella: No, don’t read that!
Niall: It’s Jacob’s story, why can’t I read it?

He said whilst scamming through it. He then realized why I didn’t want him to read it.

Niall: Ohh… Mr. B isn’t who I think it is, is it?
Stella: who do you think it is?
Niall: “There is no telling on how long he will wait.” Fuck sake, I’m sick of your friends being inlove with you!
Stella: Niall, I-
Niall: It’s Ethan, isn’t it?

He said in a calm voice, which kinda freaked me out because it should have made him angrier than that.

Stella: It’s compli-
Niall: Nope.
Stella: We’re just friends.
Niall: yeah, guess who else started out as friends, US!
Stella: I just… you don’t understand.
Niall: Well then for all means, explain to me!

I took my hands infront of my face and sighed then took them back down and looked up at Niall,

Stella: he’s inlove with me, yes that’s true. But I’m not with him, am I?
Niall: Wait… was it really Keli on the phone last night?

I shook my head,

Stella: No, it was Ethan.
Niall: Bloody hell, why are you lying to me?!
Stella: Because you can’t handle the truth all times!

He groaned and turned around, ready to punch the wall but I managed to get off the bed and infront of him before he did so. I grabbed both his wrists and looked at him,

Stella: This isn’t right…

I whispered and tears started forming in his eyes again.

Stella: You know it isn’t, right?

He nodded and I slowly put his arms back down to his sides again,

Stella: I am sorry for putting you through this, but I think it’s necessary to do so… for your future.

He didn’t say anything; he just wrapped his arms around me and started crying again. It was in this exact moment that I realized that the Niall I was with now was the real Niall. He wasn’t a player, womanizer or an alcoholic, he was just Niall, the boy that lost the love of his life once and hadn’t recovered yet. I had been with him the last couple of years, helping him to get to this point in his life when he would realize that what happened wasn’t his fault, it wasn’t her fault it was just… faith.

Once he pulled out, I took my hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes,

Stella: are you ready to go back?
Niall: No, but I guess I have to, don’t I?
Stella: Yeah…

He nodded and wiped away the tears, took a deep breath then went over to the door.

Niall: Let’s get going.

I grabbed my purse from the bed then went with him outside. He asked if he could drive and I handed him the keys, he drove as slowly as possible and I didn’t argue about it with him. Once we got there, we sat in the car for a couple of minutes before he turned to me.

Niall: Do you want to come with?
Stella: Do you want me to come with?
Niall: I want to talk to her myself… but I need you there.
Stella: I’ll be a couple of stones away then.

He nodded and both of us jumped out of the car and started walking towards the gates again. Before he walked into the cemetery, he grabbed my hand and I looked down and smiled. He was sweating as nervous as he was and I wanted to tell him to calm down but he shouldn’t have to calm down in a situation like this.

We got to the aisles which lead down to her grave and I let go of his hand, he walked a couple of steps then looked back at me.

Stella: I’ll be right here.

I said and he nodded and walked again. Once he stopped infront of her grave, I turned around so he could get some privacy. Unfotunally, I could still hear every single word he said out loud.

Niall: Hey, C… long time no see, ey? Sorry I didn’t come sooner…

He took a breath then sat down by the sounds of it,

Niall: I kinda went through a hard time after you…left.

I started hearing tears in his voice.

Niall: I blamed you for a long time, you know? God, I hated what you did to me and I swore that I would never be with a woman again because all you do it suck the life right outta me… but you know, I found someone, It just kinda happened outta the blue.

I had to keep my tears in now,

Niall: Even though I'm moving on, it doesn’t mean that I don't still love you. I don’t think I could ever stop loving you… it took tears and so much time on my knees and it's not someone you would ever guess or even someone I dreamed it'd be. But she was there, in the mirror one morning, looking back at me and it took everything I had… It took me losing you, but I found her and she’s the reason to why I came here today. Right now, I’m not very pleased but I know what you would have said, you would have told me to “suck it up and just do it!”.

There was a hint of a smile in his voice and I couldn’t help but smile too,

Niall: I want you to meet her… Stella?

He called for me and I wiped away the tear strolling down my cheek and turned around.

Stella: Yes, I’m here.
Niall: can you come here?

I nodded and walked over to him, he took my hand and I sat down next to him.

Niall: She’s beautiful, isn’t she, C?

He continued talking to her for a while and when the dark came upon us, I had to tell him that it was time to go. He knew that and I stood up then helped him up and just as we were about to walk away, he took his hand down into his pocket and stopped again. He took his wallet up and turned back to the grave.

Niall: I kept this for you but I guess you can have it now… I meant to give it to you back in Ireland but I never got to it so.

He said as he took up a ring from his coins and bent over and put it next to her stone. It was the promise ring that both he and his mother had told me about, I had no idea he had been carrying that around for these many years.

So it had always kind of been his faith to come here and say goodbye, and now that that had happened, I was done. It was time for me to go my own path now and I realized this as we drove back to the hotel in silence. I had to go my own way now.

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