Chapter 82

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Niall’s POV.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Of course I don’t want her to sleep with Eddie to see if she still has feelings for him, that’s so ridiculously stupid!

I wish I had just ignored it when I heard her talk to Keli about having feelings for more than one person. I wish I wasn’t so unsecure with her. I was never unsecure before but then again, I didn’t love any of the other girls I slept with. This girl is making me weak, but I love it.

I couldn’t sleep all night. I laid awake in the couch, looking at the door and hoping for it to open and for Stella to walk in and I would tell her that I didn’t mean what I said and she would say that it’s okay and she forgives my stupid mouth and then we would go into the bedroom and do what we do best… but none of that happened and when my alarm rang at 8am, I still hadn’t slept and I just got out of the couch and went for a shower.

I couldn’t stop thinking about where she had spent the night. Was she with Keli? Harry? Tin? Or was she with Eddie? There’s only one name in there that makes me boil and if I find out that he is the one she spent the night will, I will fucking kill him.

I had texted Keli before I went into the shower, asking her if Stella was there and when I got out of the shower, there was a text back. It said what I thought it would, that she hadn’t heard from Stella since last night.

I started to get angry. Not at Keli or Stella, but at myself for telling her to go to him. I practically opened up her legs and led him inside of her. Just the thought of that made me walk into the kitchen counter with my hip and I screamed, to loud for a man but I was alone in the flat so I didn’t give a fuck.

By the time the bus stopped outside of Ethan’s building, I had texted everyone I knew who knew Stella and none of them had heard from her. Not even her brother. Now I started to get worried, what if she was hurt?

I knocked on the door to Ethan’s flat, which is where he helps me with school work. I have actually started to not hate him so much, I guess it’s because he’s actually a good lad but mostly because he isn’t interested in my girlfriend anymore.

Ethan hadn’t heard from her either and when he tried to call her, her phone was dead. I now suspected the worst and I didn’t know what to do.

Ethan: Can’t you call the guy?

Niall: Which guy?

Ethan: That police guy.

Niall: No, I’m not calling that fucking dick head.

Ethan: Okay… what if he’s the only one who knows where she is?

I looked up from my text book and Ethan reached my phone out for me. I grabbed it and dialed the number to the police station where he work and some older man answered. He said that Officer Carler hadn’t come in this morning. I threw the phone at the wall and the screen broke. Ethan picked it up for me and sat down next to me in the couch.

Niall: She’s fucking him, I know she is.

Ethan: You don’t know that.

Niall: Yes I do! I told her to go to him so it’s my own god damned fault too!

Ethan: She might be just sleeping somewhere.


Ethan: You said you would give her to 1pm today, so give her the time she needs and if she doesn’t show, you’ll know.

I bent my head down into my hands and had to stifle a sob.

Niall: What if she doesn’t show?

Ethan: Well…

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