Chapter 81

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Stella: Say something…

I looked at Niall with pleading eyes and he just shrugged his shoulders as he put the bag with food on the counter.

Niall: What do you want me to say?

Stella: It’s not what I want you to say, it’s what you need to say.

Niall: What? I’m not going to do the whole “please don’t cheat on me because I can’t live without you” thing.

Stella: I didn’t plan on cheating on you…

Niall: No one ever does, do they?

He took his food and went and sat down by the kitchen table. I walked after him and sat down infront of him, knowing the conversation wasn’t over.

Niall: Have you heard the saying “ I will fight for your love but I won’t compete for it”?

Stella: No ?

Niall: It means you'll fight to make a relationship work, if you're actually in love. But you won't compete against other people for someone's love. I won’t compete with Eddie to be with you.

Stella: I’m not asking you to, and there would be no competition because I’m with you, not him.

Niall: But you feel something for him.

Stella: of course I do! He made me feel better when everything in my life seemed worthless so it’s not strange that there’s some little part of me that’s attracted to that.

Niall: To that or to him?

I rolled my eyes and went over to the counter and took my box with food, then went back to the table again.

Stella: What I said before, about having feelings for two people at the same time…

Niall: I think you should see what kind of feelings you have for Eddie before we move in to the other place.

Stella: And how would I do that?

Niall: Sleep with him.

I stopped eating and looked up at Niall with a surprised expression on my face, waiting for him to say that he was kidding.

Stella: Excuse me?

Niall: how else are you going to know what kinds of feelings you have for him?

Stella: So… you’re asking me to sleep with my ex?

Niall: Guess I am. I’ll be at 50-54 Clerkenwell Road tomorrow at 1pm and if you show up then we will know that you don’t have any special feelings for him and if you don’t show up… well, you know.

He took his food and walked towards the bedroom,

Stella: Wait, so you want me to go there now and fuck him?

Niall: Sure. Have fun.

This was so not like Niall but when I heard the bedroom door close, I realized that he was serious. He wanted me to have sex with Eddie… what the bloody hell!

I took my phone up and called up Keli again.

Keli: ohmy god, did he kill you?

Stella: Not quite. He asked me to do something though.

Keli: What?

Stella: sleep with Eddie.

Keli: Ehh… from my experience, it’s not a good idea to sleep with other people when you’re in a relationship.

Stella: No shit Einstein. I’ll call you later, bye.

I hung up and looked over at the bedroom door then walked to the hallway, took my car keys and left the flat. I drove to Eddie’s and after standing outside of his door for a couple of minutes, I knocked.

He opened the door dressed in only a pair of boxers and I hated myself for feeling the butterflies in my stomach.

Eddie: Stella, hi.

Stella: heey… so, what’s up?

Eddie: I was on my way to take a shower… what are you doing here? Is Niall here?

Stella: Well no, not really. Can I come in?

Eddie: Why?

Stella: I need to see if there’s anything here.

I said and gestured between the two of us and he shook his head.

Eddie: Meaning?

Stella: I felt something when you kissed me, and now when you opened the door… I need to know what it is I'm feeling.

Eddie: So what do you want me to do?

Stella: Could you maybe… you know, kiss me? Again?

Eddie: Stella…

Stella: Niall is really upset with me and I have to know what my feelings for you are.

Eddie: You have already played that card; I’m not falling for it again.

Stella: it’s not a trick. It’s not some sick blackmailing thing; it’s just me, asking you to kiss me.

He sighed as he looked out into the hallway then back at me,

Eddie: Get inside.

I took a step into his flat and the door shut behind me as I felt his hands on my waist, pushing me up towards the wall and his forehead against mine, his eyes looking into mine and both of us breathing heavily. His tongue graced over my lower lip and I closed my eyes as we kissed, again.

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