Chapter 52

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( I used my last internet for this so the least you can do is vote!xx)

It took Niall 2 weeks to get back to normal. Well as normal as Niall gets.

And I don't mean normal as in "going out to the bar every night and bringing a girl home while he's drunk of his arse", he hasn't actually brought anyone home, or been drunk... or been out much, which is good!

Summer vacation started 2 days ago and since, I've just been sleeping, catching up on my beauty sleep before all the drama of the summer starts.

Summer is supposed to be 3 months of rest but not for me, or anyone else in my class that graduated.

We got instantly booked on different gigs all summer and that's really good!

But I was kind of looking forward to one calm summer before work, guess I'll have to rest when I'm dead, which will be in 3 months judging from my schedule...

Today I slept to around 12 and when I eventually got up and went to the shower, Niall was sitting in the couch.

He looked at me and just shook his head.

Stella: What?
Niall: You sleep too long.
Stella: it's summer vacation!
Niall: You're missing a whole day by sleeping to lunch.
Stella: Whatever.

I waved him off and went into the bathroom. I took my shower, went back to my bedroom in my towel and got dressed. When I was in only my underwear, Niall walked in.

I didn't bother to cover up because honestly, he has seen more of me than I.

Niall: What's up?
Stella: I'm getting dressed...
Niall: Right okay, so what are your plans for later?
Stella: I don't know, I guess I'll go to Liam's flat an-
Niall: Liam? As in Liam and Keli?
Stella: Yes, is that a problem?
Niall: No, not at all... Have fun.

He said as he turned around to walk back out. But I recognized his mood and I couldn't do the same mistake as I did back in May.

Stella: Niall?

He turned around to me and put his hands down his pockets.

Stella: Are you okay?
Niall: Of course I am.
Stella: What's happening today?
Niall: Nothing.
Stella: Niall!
Niall: it's nothing!
Stella: You acted exactly like this before you drank yourself to alcohol poisoning, so what's up?

He took a deep breath and walked back into my bedroom.

Niall: I'm going home.
Stella: You are home...
Niall: No, back to Ireland.
Stella: Oh...

I couldn't help but feel really sad about that. Of course I wanted him to be with his family but I didn't want him to not be here.

Niall: Don't look so sad, it's only for a couple of days.
Stella: Alright, well what's the problem then?
Niall: My mate is turning 25 and we're going out to celebrate.
Stella: That can be fun.
Niall: But I can't drink, right?
Stella: Oh... right, no you can't.
Niall: so that's why I want to ask you a favor.
Stella: Okay?
Niall: Could you possibly... maybe you could...I'd pay if you...

He took a deep breath and looked up at me,

Niall: Would you go to Ireland with me?

He said in on breathe and I couldn't help but smile. I saw how hard it was for him to say that.

Stella: Wow, that was hard for you, wasn't it?
Niall: No, why would it be?
Stella: You choked on your own words. Asking me to come to Ireland with you is like you asking someone to marry you, isn't it?
Niall: Shut up. Will you come or not
Stella: I don't know...
Niall: Come on!

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