Chapter 3

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I ended up sleeping in the couch all night. Not because I couldn’t take myself to my bedroom but because I fell asleep watching some crap show on the TV.

Niall had gone out to a bar or something last night but he actually came home without a girl. It surprised me but my subconscious clapped her hands.

I woke up this morning by the smell of coffee right under my nose and as I opened my eyes; Niall was sitting on the table with a coffee mug under my nose. I used my hands to sit up and as I did, my ankle hurt again and I flinched, which made Niall look down at my foot. He put the coffee down on the table then went down and put a pillow under my ankle.

Niall: I really think you should take that to the doctors.
Stella: It’s nothing, I’ll be fine.

He handed me the coffee as he sat back down on the table.

Niall: So you’re still going today?
Stella: Going?
Niall: Yeah, it’s Sunday…
Stella: Shit!

He laughed and I remembered that I had to drive to my parent’s for dinner. I wasn’t really in the mood to drive for 6 hours, have dinner and then drive 6 hours back.

Niall: So is that a no? Because I was kind of planning on having some people over tonight but if you’re here-
Stella: No you should totally have your friends over, I’ll just call my parents. Can you hand me my phone?

I asked and he took it from the table and handed it to me. I dialed my parent’s number and Niall walked out of the room. A couple of beeps, then my dad answered.

Dad: Stella, are you calling from the car? You shouldn’t be driving and talking on the phone.
Stella: Hey dad, no I haven’t gotten in the car yet, what time is it?
Dad: It’s almost 11am; you’re usually on your way at this time, what’s wrong?
Stella: Dad, I hope I’m not ruining everything but I think I’ve sprained my ankle and I shouldn’t drive in this condition.
Dad: What? How did that happen? Are you okay? Do you need money for the doctor?
Stella: I’m fine, it just hurts and driving wouldn’t be safe. Can I just come over next Saturday instead and stay the night?
Dad: Of course you can darling. Actually, why don’t we drive to you instead?
Stella: I’m not really in the mood for making dinner dad.
Dad: No, I say we go out for dinner.
Stella: Really? I mean if it’s not too much of a problem?
Dad: Certainly not darling! We’ll drive straight away and call you when we’re outside, you okay with that?
Stella: Sounds good, I’ll see you tonight then.

We hung up and I sat up in the couch then managed to stand up as I limped over to the kitchen. Niall was sitting by the table, talking on the phone and when he saw me coming in, he wrapped it up.

I leaned against the kitchen counter and took some water.

Niall: Alright, talk to you later.

He put his phone down and looked at me.

Niall: You’re walking!
Stella: It’s a miracle! Hey I wanted to thank you for not bringing someone home last night.
Niall: You were asleep when I got back, how do you know?
Stella: I wasn’t sleeping, I was resting my eyes.

He laughed and looked down at his phone then back up at me.

Niall: So how did it go with the parents?
Stella: Fine, they are coming here instead.
Niall: Here? As in the apartment?
Stella: No, we’re going out for dinner.
Niall: Okay, so it’s still cool that I’m having some people over?
Stella: It’s your apartment too.

I said as I started limping back out to my bedroom.

Niall: Need any help?
Stella: Sure.

He helped me into my bedroom and when he had sat me down on the bed, he looked around the room. I had my bed in the middle of the room; it was one of those beds that fit 2 people even though it wasn’t a king size bed.

Then I had the window on the same wall as he and on each side of the window stood a bookshelf. On the wall infront of the bed was a painting of a couple of ballerinas and under it stood my desk with my laptop on it. Next to the desk were 2 doors that opened a small closet where I had my clothes and right next to the door stood a chair and a couple of hangers with some bags on them.

Niall: I think this is the first time I’ve been in your room.
Stella: Okay then this is the first time you’re going to leave my room too.

I said and pointed over at the door. Niall laughed and nodded.

Niall: alright, see you tonight then.
Stella: I’ll make sure to text before I get back so you can hide the girls.
Niall: okay..
Stella: Thanks for the help.

I told him before he closed the door and then I limped around my bedroom, trying to find something appropriate to wear for tonight.

Hours later, I was dressed in my new Tartan dress and ready to leave, Niall stopped me in the hallway.

Niall: Hey, you look nice.
Stella: really? Thanks!
Niall: So are you driving to the restaurant?
Stella: No my dad is picking me up, he’s downstairs waiting.
Niall: Okay, can I borrow your car?
Stella: My car? For what?
Niall: For driving?
Stella: You don’t have a driver license Niall.
Niall: I know, my friend is coming over and his car broke down and we were thinking about going to the-

My phone interrupted him talking and I took it up from my jacket pocket.

Stella: It’s my dad…

I looked at Niall and then back down to my phone and sighed as I took my car keys from my bag and tossed them over to him.

Stella: you’ll pay for a brand new car if you break it.
Niall: I’ll buy you a Ferrari! Thanks!

I walked out of the door, or limped. As I got out to the car, my brother Jacob jumped out of the backseat and walked over to me, helping me walk the rest of the way.

Jacob: Nice limping sis.
Stella: Yeah it suits me!

He laughed and helped me into the backseat. My mother turned around in the passenger seat and I leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

Mom: so happy to see you, what happened with your ankle?
Stella: I got distracted at practice yesterday and ended up with a sprained ankle, but it’s not worries, it feels better already.
Dad: Are we ready for dinner then?

I nodded and my brother put his seatbelt on and dad started driving.

The dinner took about 3 hours and by 9.30, I was back at the apartment. I had managed to convince my parents to drive home again because I had school tomorrow and I thought it was a bad idea for them to sleep at my place. Firstly because of school, secondly because they had no idea that my roommate was a boy… yeah I had kind of kept that small detail away from them.

But anyways, as I got back upstairs, I unlocked the door and the first thing I heard was “NO FUCKING SHIT DON’T GO THERE!” and I figured that Niall was playing some stupid game on the Xbox again. I took my shoes off and hung my jacket in the closet then I walked into the livingroom while putting my hair up in a ponytail.

Stella: Did everything go-
Niall: Pause the game boys!

Niall said when he saw me and I looked at him then at the other people in the room. I didn’t recognize any of them.

Niall: I thought you said you would text before you got back…
Stella: Shit, I forgot. I’m sorry; I’ll just be in my room.
Boy: You’re sending this girl to her room Niall?

One of the boys said and I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

Niall: Shut up Harry.

Okay so apparently, his name was Harry.

Stella: As I said, I’ll be in my room.

I said and walked into my room as Niall nodded. When I had closed the door behind me, I heard the boys talk.

“She’s hot!”
Niall: Don’t even go there man.
“But come on, why don’t you ask her out?”
“I sure would if I lived with her”
Niall: guys, the game?
“Ask her out Niall”

There was no respond from Niall but then one of the other boys talked again.

“Well if you won’t, I will”

I laughed to myself and walked over to my closet and took out my PJ’s. As I closed my closet door, I heard a thud out in the livingroom and it didn’t sound good so I hurried out there and saw one of the boys, whose name I didn’t know, lie on the floor with his face down in the carpet while Niall was sitting on top of him, holding him down.

Stella: What the heck are you guys doing?!

They all looked over at me and Harry took Niall off the boy on the floor and the boy stood up.

Harry: Ask your roomie.

I looked at Niall and he took his hands over his shirt to straight it out then he looked at me.

Niall: just a joke.
Harry: You pushed Louis to the floor because he wanted to ask her out!
Niall: I did-
Stella: Ask who out?

All the boys looked at me and I felt embarrassed.

Stella: Sorry for asking.

The boy that I had learnt was called Louis (not lewis but Louwe) walked over to me and I saw how Niall looked at him.

Louis stood right infront of me and he was taller than I so he looked down at me.

Louis: I wanted to ask you out.
Stella: Okay.

I said and turned around, thinking he was joking, but he grabbed my arm and turned me around again.

Stella: hey, careful.
Louis: Sorry love, but I’m trying to ask you out here and you’re turning around.

I didn’t want to go out with him; he was Niall’s friend for god sake!

Stella: Because it’s ridiculous.
Niall: Yeah I agree.

I looked at Niall and thought about the tons and tons of girls that he had brought home here without considering how I felt about it for a second and then I looked back at Louis.

Stella: Actually, how’s this Friday?
Niall: What?!
Louis: This Friday sounds good. I’ll pick you up at 6?
Stella: Great.

I smiled and walked out of the livingroom and over to the bathroom. What did I just do? I couldn’t go on a date with one of Niall’s friends, that would be so wrong and really stupid of me. But why not? I mean, I am a grown woman and I’m allowed to see whoever I want to, right?

I poured myself a bath and 1 hour later, I got out of the bathroom and went into my bedroom in just my towel. The livingroom was empty and the whole flat was quiet, I presumed that Niall had gone out with his friends so I started the music on my laptop and took the lotion from my desk and as I smeared the lotion on my arms, I danced around the room.

I was standing infront of the mirror that hung on the inside of the closet doors and I had just taken on a big size t-shirt as the door flung open. I looked over and saw Niall standing there with a bottle in his hands.

Niall: You suck!

He almost screamed.

Stella: Thanks!

I closed the closet doors and walked over to him to grab the bottle from his hand but he pulled it backwards.

Stella: Niall what are you doing?
Niall: He’s my best mate, what were you thinking?!
Stella: Is this about that? That is just a date!
Niall: with me friend!

I don’t know why but when Niall was drunk, he got more Irish than ever. And to be honest, I had never seen him this drunk, especially not in my room.

Stella: You’re drunk, just go to sleep!
Niall: I will!

He said and pushed through me and walked over to my bed.

Stella: That’s not.. Niall!

He laid down in the bed and the bottle fell to the floor.

Stella: Fuck sake!
Niall: Shush love, I’m sleeping.

He had changed his voice from mad to childish and he started laughing.

Stella: So you’re sleeping there then?
Niall: Would you light off when leaving room?

I nodded and walked out of the room and turned the light off. I walked out to the livingroom and walked towards the kitchen as I saw someone stand in the hallway. I stopped in my tracks and looked over and saw that it was Louis.

Stella: What are you doing here?
Louis: I was dropping off Niall and I’ve got these keys…

He said and showed me the keys in his hand, my car keys. I walked over to him and he handed them to me.

Stella: thanks, for the keys and Niall.
Louis: Yeah, are you sure about Friday?
Stella: Yes, it’ll be fun.
Louis: I hope so, I mean I know Niall doesn’t like it but-
Stella: I know he doesn’t like it because you’re his friend and all but you seem nice so.
Louis: You think that’s why he’s upset?
Stella: Yeah?

He smiled and he had this really adorable smile and his eyes were so OMG!

Louis: Alright, well see you on Friday then.
Stella: Absolutely.
Louis: And that foot of yours, you should get it checked out.
Stella: How did you-
Louis: I saw you limping, it looked bad and Niall told us you fell.
Stella: Oh, yeah I will call the doctor tomorrow.

I lied and he nodded, turned around and walked out of the apartment. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth then went back to my bedroom.

I saw Niall sleeping in my bed and I thought about sleeping in his for a second before the image of all of the girls that have slept in his bed flashed through my mind, then I decided on the couch.

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