Chapter 51

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When I woke up the next morning, it was because I felt Niall’s hand on my face. I opened my eyes and he smiled at me. He was lying on his side and the sun shone straight onto his hair and it looked angelic.

Niall: You had hair in your face.

He said as he stroke it behind my ear.

Stella: Thanks.

Niall: No problem.

He was unusually nice and I thought that it was because of the drugs for the pain, but I hoped it wasn’t. I closed my eyes again as I felt them sting from tiredness.

I got a couple of more hours of sleep until I woke up by Niall trying to get out of the bed. He was sitting on the edge when I opened my eyes and I flew out of the bed.

Stella: What do you think you’re doing?!

Niall: I’m starving and you were sleeping!

I got to his side of the bed and put him down again. He groaned as I put the duvet over him.

Stella: What do you want?

Niall: If I call you darling, will you make me pancakes?

Stella: With chocolate?

Niall: Yes!

He was like a child and I couldn’t help but laugh. I went to the kitchen and looked at the time, it was 11am. We had slept since 9-ish last night.

As I finished our pancakes, I took them into his room on a tray that I put on the bed. He sat up and I put a pillow from the couch behind his back. He started the TV and we had breakfast in bed while watching “Gilmore girls”, his choice… not mine, promise!

Suddenly, Jacob walked pass Niall’s bedroom and both of us looked over. Jacob then backed back to the door and looked in on us with a confused face.

Jacob: Hi…

Stella: Hello.

Jacob: What’s this?

He said and pointed at the two of us.

Stella: Breakfast?

Jacob: Alright, is there any for me?

Stella: In the kitchen.

Jacob: Thank you sis.

He walked away again and when he walked back, he looked at us again.

Jacob: Are you two like… you know…

Stella: No, niall had an operation and he shouldn’t leave bed so we’re having breakfast in his bed.

Jacob: Okay, cool.

I heard the TV in the livingroom start and I looked over at Niall.

Stella: I’ll be right back, save some for me.

Niall: I can’t promise anything.

I jumped out of the bed and went to the couch. I sat down next to my brother and looked at him.

Jacob: What is it?

Stella: What are you doing here?

Jacob: Ethan said that-

Stella: No I don’t mean here, here. I mean, in London. Mum and dad are really worried.

Jacob: Fuck them.

Stella: What did they even do to you?

Jacob: They have started fighting, really bad and they were standing in the kitchen, screaming at each other and I just lost it so I threw my plate into the wall and yelled for them to shut the fuck up.

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