Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning by my father shaking me. I opened my eyes and yawned and he sat down next to me.

Stella: daddy, I want to sleep!
Dad: We’re going to sing for you mother.
Stella: Can’t you do that later?
Dad: Stella, we always do this. Now get up and get into the bedroom with us.

I groaned and sat up in the bed.

Stella: I’m up.

My dad stood up and made his way out of the room again. I went out of the bed and wrapped the duvet around myself as I walked through the hallway and into my mum’s bedroom. Jacob and my dad were already in there and we sat down on her bed as my dad started singing. This had been a tradition ever since I was a little kid and it was kind of cozy having breakfast in bed with everyone, but I think that both I and Jacob thought that we were getting too old for this.

By the time my mum had woken up, opened some of the gifts from my father and we all had eaten breakfast in their bed, time was around 11.45 and I ran through the hall to get into the bathroom before Jacob.  I had to take a shower and if he was to go first, I wouldn’t get the chance to take my shower.

When everyone was done, we drove in my father’s car to a restaurant not far from the house. We always had the same rituals on birthdays so the whole restaurant thing wasn’t a surprise, but the fact that the same F-TYPE coupe that was on my parent’s driveway yesterday, stood outside of the restaurant, now that was a surprise.

As we jumped out of the car, I took my mum’s arm and she looked at me with a smile on her lips.

Stella: Is Liam here?
Mum: Yes, I invited them to lunch yesterday before you and he went off.
Stella: Oh… alright.
Mum: Is that a problem?
Stella: No not at all.

My mum stopped walking and looked at me.

Mum: Stella, do you not like them?
Stella: I have nothing against them, I was just surprised.
Mum: Okay darling, you have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable, alright?
Stella: I will, now let’s have lunch.
Mum: Luckily, I didn’t eat much breakfast.

She winked at me and took my arm again and we walked inside. Jacob and my dad was already inside by the table that Liam and his parents were sitting at. As I and my mum came over, both Nigel and Liam stood up and greeted us.

Liam: Happy birthday Mrs Molins.
Mum: thank you Liam!

She sat down next to Mari and they hugged. Liam looked at me, took my hand and kissed me on the cheek then pulled out a chair for me. I sat down and he sat next to me.

Mum: So do you know what you’re ordering?
Mari: I saw a sign about chicken salad, it sounded delicious.

After they had decided what to order, a waitress came over and took our orders. When she came to me, I shook my head.

Stella: I will just have water.
Dad: Stella, you have to eat.
Stella: I just had breakfast dad, I’m fine for a couple of hours.
Dad: Well atleast order fizzy water.
Stella: I want regular water dad.
Dad: Alright…

My dad rolled his eyes and I got my water.

The grownups started talking and soon enough, Jacob excused himself and left the restaurant. He was apparently going to see some chick and my parents didn’t mind. They kept talking and catching up and soon enough, I felt like I was going to suffocate in there. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents and I love spending time with them but when grownups start telling jokes that they consider “funny”, I’m out. Liam must have noticed how badly I wanted out of there because he suddenly spoke,

Liam: Mrs Molins, would you mind if I borrowed Stella for a while?
Mum: Oh, what for?
Liam: Well she told me yesterday that she liked my car and I wanted to offer her the chance to drive it.
Mari: that’s an excellent idea Liam; go take her for a ride!

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