Chapter 44

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Around 4.30, I had gotten dressed in a gold knee length dress and I was ready for dinner with Niall’s family at SUSHISAMBA. Niall hadn’t left his bedroom since he went to take a nap and I decided to see if he was awake, so I knocked on his door. I heard movement from the inside and then the door opened. Niall’s eyes were red and I looked down to his hand and saw that he was holding a tissue.

Niall: What?

Stella: We have to be at the restaurant in 30 minutes.

Niall: Okay, I’ll be ready.

He closed the door again and I decided to sit and wait in the couch. At 4.51, Niall opened the door again and walked out, wearing his white shirt and a pair of jeans. He had put some gel in his hair and it looked really nice.

He looked over at me and I stood up and walked over to him.

Stella: Are you okay?

Niall: I’m fine, you look nice.

Stella: So do you. Ready to go?

Niall: Sure.

We went to the hallway, I took on a black coat and a pair of heels. Niall took his jacket and a pair of black shoes on and then we were out the door. We took my car to the restaurant and as Maura had said earlier, they would meet us outside. And there they all were.

We walked over to his family and greeted them all and as we came inside the restaurant, our coats got taken by a waiter guy and then we were showed into a lift.

Maura: Where is this restaurant.

Niall: On the 38th floor.

His mum nodded and we got up to the 38th floor. The first thing that hit me was that the view was incredible! You know that building that looks a bit like a dick? Yeah it was really close to this building and when we got our table, we sat so we could see that building extra clear.

All of us sat down and after 20 minutes, everyone had decided what to order. We got out food within 45 minutes and the conversation was on full speed. Niall wasn’t as involved in it as I would have thought, but I didn’t think too much about it.

When everyone had finished their dinner, Maura insisted that it was time to open some gifts. We weren’t the only ones in the restaurant that were trading gifts, so there wasn’t anything strange with it.

Maura gave a gift to everyone, including me, which was really surprising.

Maura: It’s just a last minute gift.

Stella: I didn’t except anything so this is great. Thank you.

I opened the gift and took out an empty frame.

Maura: I looked around your flat yesterday and I noticed that there weren’t any pictures.

Stella: Oh… thanks. I don’t know what picture to put in here though.

Maura: We’ll take one!

Niall: Mum!

Maura: Of the two of you, stand up!

I looked at Niall and he shook his head. I stood up and walked over to him and leaned down to his ear.

Stella: Remember what I said, be nice.

He looked at me and I nodded, then he stood up and Maura almost jumped of joy. We stood next to each other and she took out a camera and snapped a picture. We sat down again and Maura put her camera down.

Niall: Can we atleast see the picture?

Maura: No, it’s going to be a surprise. You’re not even looking into the camera Ni.

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