Saw each other again

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I went to the store to get something before I go back to Korea. I suggested to take a few days off before I go back. It would just be stressful if we just went back like right after or even the next day. I would love to explore Orlando, which is a great city. But, I also stayed here to find the girl that I saw that night. I couldn't get her out of my mind ever since. I want to see her again. I went Walmart to get some chips and some drinks to eat. While I was searching I turned to my left and I saw the red curls.

I didn't want to believe it was the girl that I saw, but when I saw her face it was her. I gasped in shock. I can't believe I found her. I was too shy to go up to her so I decided to go at the right moment.

Ima skip to Angela's POV because I don't have anything else to add to his part.

Angela's POV
I went to the store to buy some food for me and Diana. Both of us are monsters when it comes to food so obviously we would run out of food. I was wear a red tank top with a black jacket, my Mickey Mouse pajama pants and black vans. I'm so addicted to these shoes and idk why. I went to get junk food and maybe some vegetables. I went to the chips section and then while I was searching, I saw him.

That couldn't be him. I thought. Maybe it's just another guy. But who the fuck wear sunglasses indoors? So I payed attention to what I was doing. After finding the right chips, I walked to the vegetable section, not giving eye contact. I didn't want him to see me and I bet he didn't want me to see him. So I minded my own business. I was about to pay when I realized "oh shit I forgot the cookies" my dumbass didn't realize that we both love cookies and we crave for them all the time.

I went to get cookies and then I saw him next to me. Obviously I didn't make eye contact, but then out of nowhere, "Hey" he said. "Your talking to me?" I asked looking up. "Well who else would I be talking to?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and payed attention to the cookies.
" come here often?" I asked. "No it's my first time here" he said. "Ahh....well what are you doing here?" I asked when I took the chocolate chip cookies. "Just buying new stuff before I leave" he said. "Just saying, your English is kinda cool" I complemented. Why the fuck did I say that? God I'm so stupid. "Thanks I try" she said rubbing his hair.

After taking a big leap of faith to talk to her, it felt good. I was actually nervous to talk to her but she was really nice. I love to talking to her and I want to talk to her more. So we ended up talking during the whole trip of us getting stuff. When it was time to pay, "I'll pay for all of it" I insisted. "No I'll pay for my stuff and you'll pay for yours" she said. "😂 ok sure". I said.

So basically she independent which attracts me in a woman, and willing to take care of herself. I like that about her. She was done paying with her stuff so it was time to pay mine. After that, i asked, "where is your car so I can take you?" "No I can go by myself." She said. When the cars stopped so we can cross, I walked with her. A gut feeling, really. I didn't want her to go alone. So we went to her car. "So I guess I'll see you next time, maybe in a year or so." She said. "No. How about we can talk to each other more." I asked. She was hesitant. Hopefully she doesn't say no.

"Sure, I would love that." She said. I was so happy. "By the way my name is Angela". She said while writing her phone number down in my phone. Angela. Nice name. "Jung San. But you can call me San." After we got each other's phone numbers, she got in the car and she waved at me goodbye. I waved at her back before she drove off. I felt happy when I'm talking to her. She makes me feel like in the happiest man. I've never felt this way before. I don't want this to end.

So finally they met. Next part coming soon

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