Deep Conversation

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Jung ~ Hey

Angela ~ Hey

Jung ~ How you been?

Angela ~ I've been good. U?

Jung ~ I'm fine.

Angela ~ I bet your sleeping now.

Jung ~ Naw I'm awake. But I'm happy that I get to text you

Angela ~ Stop being cheesy Lolz

Jung ~ 😂😂
So I was thinking we can get to know each other more, is that ok?

Angela ~ Sure. I was thinking the same thing.

(2 hours later)

Angela ~ I was wondering something...

Jung ~ Tell me

Angela ~ Well....idk. How are you with girls?

Jung ~ What do you mean?

Angela ~ Like relationship wise?

Jung ~ I'm good with girls.

Angela ~ Really? You don't play with them, throw them away, or like hurt them?

Jung ~ No why would I do that?
(Now I'm just curious.)

Angela ~ Well that's good.

Jung ~ How are you with guys?

Angela ~ Well....idk.

Jung ~ What do you mean you don't know?

Angela ~ I'm basically someone that they could take in and then throw away.
(God I'm too vulnerable like why? You dumbass)

Jung ~ No your not.

Angela ~ How do you know that?

Jung ~ Because you are the most beautiful girl I know who doesn't deserve to be treated like an object.
Plus why do you think of yourself like that?

Angela ~ Well...I didn't want to tell you this. Well my ex cheated on me with another girl in his bed when I went over to check on him because he was "sick".

Jung ~ Wow. That's pathetic.

Angela ~ Yea. I remember the feelings that I've felt and it hurts me really bad.

Jung ~ That's fucked up. So your not in a relationship now?

Angela ~ No. I'm not worth being in a relationship with. I'll just end up being a burden.
(It's the truth. I felt like I was worthless to him.)

Jung ~ No don't say that 😔 your not a burden. You know, I went through the same thing.

Angela ~ Really?

Jung ~ Yea. I was going to the club with some friends one day and then I found her fucking another guy. (Literally broke my heart into pieces)

Angela ~ Wow that's crazy. Then she doesn't deserve you then.

Jung ~ Then he doesn't deserve you either.

(Awkward silence)

Jung ~ ...Angela

Angela ~ Yes

Jung ~ I want to tell you something

Angela ~ Sure what is it?

Jung ~ (hesitated)
I think I like you.

Angela ~ Bro stop it...your joking right? 😂
(Such a lie)

Jung ~ No I'm not

Angela ~ 😳
(Why would he like a broken person like me?)

Jung ~ Idk. Just something special about you that makes me want to get to know you more.
(Why do I sound like this?)

Angela ~ You know my ex said the same thing and look what he did...

Jung ~ But I'm not him. I'm different. Just let me prove it to you.

Angela ~ You don't have to do anything.
(Why do you care so much?)

Jung ~ 😔

Angela ~ I just don't want to get hurt again. Or even hurt myself again.

Jung ~ What do you mean?

Angela ~ After my ex broke up with me, I didn't eat for a week. The first time I cut my self was during that time. It was four cuts. It was so painful.
(Oh crap I should've never told him that)

Jung ~ I feel like you shouldnt hurt yourself because of what that motherfucker did. He's not worth it for you. You are a beautiful person and deserve to be treated with respect and not a toy. Plus I don't want you to starve yourself. It's not healthy. And regards to cutting yourself, please don't do it again.
(I want to be there for her)

Angela ~ I mean I don't do it anymore. I still have the pain, but after realizing that he ain't shit. I don't really care anymore.

Jung ~ If I was with you, I would never cheat on you. Or even hurt you.

Angela ~ *stayed silent*

Jung ~ Are you there?

Angela ~ Yeah I'm here. I think you should go to sleep

Jung ~ oh yea it's like 4:30 am when I am. What about you?

Angela ~ 3:30 PM

Jung ~ Dang it's already daytime where you live?

Angela ~ Yea. But I'll let you sleep tho

Jung ~ ok I'll talk to you tomorrow maybe when u stay up all night as me 😂😂

Angela ~ yea maybe. Goodnight ❤️

Jung ~ Goodnight ❤️

Like it or don't. I know it's crappy. I don't know if this adds up to the rest. But I hope it does. Until next time.

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