A Talk with Reggie and Self-Talk

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I couldn't sleep or eat. I just couldn't believe that she's gone. I haven't gone out of my bed for days. The only times is when I have to finish recording "Better Tomorrow". Plus, I finally got it done. But other than that, I just not in the mood. My phone rang and I quickly went and grabbed it. I check the ID hoping that it was Angela, but turns out it was Reggie.

San E ~ Hey

Reggie ~ San. Are you ok?

San E ~ I guess

Reggie ~What do you mean "I guess?"

San E ~ I miss her, man. I really fucked up.

Reggie ~ Maybe you should've never said what you said

San E ~ I know. I was just caught up in the moment. I didn't mean it.

Reggie ~ Well what are you gonna do

San E ~ I don't know

Reggie ~ Well you better figure it out.
San E ~ Yea. She did say that she was leaving in Japan.

Reggie ~ Maybe you can surprise her

San E ~ I don't know. She's the type of person when someone fucks her over, they're out of her life forever.

Reggie ~ Maybe she might have a little mercy on you .

San E ~ I don't think so.

Reggie ~ Well just try. Plus you haven't gone out of your bed for days like get your ass up.

San E ~ I don't feel like it. She made me the happiest person in the world. Now that she's gone...I can't do anything.

Reggie ~ Can you stop moping around
like a fucking baby? You can live on without her.

San E ~ No I can't

Reggie ~ Yes you can...I'm so close to hang up on you like you don't even know.

San E ~ Wait don't hang up. I'm sorry

Reggie ~ It's ok. It's just I don't like seeing you like this.

San E ~ I know.

Reggie ~ But at least "Better Tomorrow" is releasing the next day.

San E ~ Yea

Reggie ~ It might at least make you feel better

San E ~ Yeah

Reggie ~ Ima ask you a serious question.

San E ~ Ok

Reggie ~ Do you want her back?

San E ~ Yes more than anything. Why?

Reggie ~ Bro your ex

San E ~ She might be lying about the pregnancy

Reggie ~ You don't know that. For all I know, this might be true and you could be the father.

San E ~ Maybe. Then I have to take care of it.

Reggie ~ You act like your not excited about it

San E ~ I am. But with Angela tho

Reggie ~ Dude....I feel like she moved on. She has her career, you and yours. It's time that you both focus on that since you guys are over. Angela is a strong person and she can take care of herself. It's time to move on.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but he's right. Regina could be pregnant I don't know. But if it's true then I have no choice but to accept it. And since Angela and I are not together anymore, maybe it is time to move on. I thought

San E ~ Dang...maybe it is.

Reggie ~ I think it's for the best of both of you.

San E ~ Yeah. I guess your right

Reggie ~ So I better see your happy face again the next time I see you, ok?

San E ~ Yeah I'll talk to you later

Reggie ~ Ok bye bro

San E ~ Bye

Reggie is not only part of my crew, but he's also my best friend. He's a caring person and very honest. Like he doesn't care if you get hurt from the truth. I love him like that because it tells me that he's a true friend. We've been there for each other since very little and were like brothers, even though we're not blood.

I got up from my bed to go to the bathroom and I washed my face. I look at myself in the mirror. "What are you crying for? Over a girl?" I scoffed. "Your stronger than this. You can get through this. I can live without her." I told myself. "You can do this." Even though I feel like I'm lying to myself, I have to live on. For myself.

This part might be suckish I know, also it's not the favorite part i was talking about, but the next part will be lit, starting with Angela's POV.

An Unexpected Love (San E Ambw)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora