Surprise Visit

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Angela's POV
Since it's about to be thanksgiving, I decided to do something. I'm going to pay San E a surprise visit. I've been thinking about it for a while and I do miss him so much. Even though we have FaceTime, texting and such, it's not the same when he's with me in person. I miss the hugs and the kisses that he gives me. So I made a decision to go to Seoul to visit him. Plus the first 4 weeks of November was crazy with working on my vocals. They're getting better actually. I just need it to be more brutal. The band and I made the decision to release the album in 2017. The manager lets us do whatever since it's thanksgiving and then next month is Christmas.

"Are you sure about this?" Diana asked leaning on my door. "Yeah I'm sure. I just want to see him just one time." I said while packing my things. "Well I'm not gonna stop you, but at least text me when you get there." She said pouting. "Girl you already know that I'll always text you wherever I go." I said with hands on my hips. "I know, I'm just concerned of the time difference. We're used to the 7 hour difference when we were apart. But now it's different because I'm living in the US and your going to Korea." I said concerned. "Well... From what I calculated, it's actually 14 hours." I said. "See that's worse. I won't be able to handle not talking to you." She said with her head down. I walked up to her. "Diana, best friend, you know me I will find a way to text you even if your 14 hours behind me. I will text you." I said. "Plus you have Uruha, right?" "No he's on tour....WAIT!!! He did tell me he's coming to visit me." She said excitingly. "See? You can have him over for as long as you want when I come back." "Your saying that like it's your house." She said arms crossed. "Yea that's true. Do you mind driving me to the airport?" I asked. "Yeah sure. I'll be waiting in the car." She said leaving my room. "Ok." I finished packing my stuff and took my luggage to Diana's car.

Car Ride
Diana was driving me to the airport. "So when you get there, say hey to San E for me. I miss the guy." She said. "Yeah I'll make sure to do that." I said chuckling. "I feel liked it's been forever even though it's a short time." I said looking out the window. "But hey you get to meet him again, right?" She asked. "Yeah. I'm happy." "This is the first time I've ever seen you this happy." "Yeah..I haven't been this happy for a long time." "I'm glad." She said smiling at me.

At the airport
We waited at the waiting area until my flight was called. We walked to the gate. We turned to each other and hugged. "I'll text you when I land." I said. "You better." She said playfully hitting my arm. "Ok love you." "Love you too." I walked in the gate, went inside the plane, and sat in my seat. When it took off, I was listening to Whitesnake - Is This Love

and just admiring the sunset. Then I was listening to BTS Jimin - Lie (which aka an awesome song)

and drifted myself off to sleep.

I woke up from the sunrise. "All attention passengers, we will be arriving Seoul in 5 minutes." I rubbed my eyes to adjust them. When we landed, it's obvious I didn't know Korean, so it was confusing for me. All I have to do is find the obvious exit. I thought. I finally found the exit after 10 minutes later. What the fuck?. *stomach grumbling* Goddammit. I gotta find food. I walked through the streets to find an obvious convenience store. I went in, EVERYTHING IS IN KOREAN. Ugh. I thought rubbing my forehead.

While I was looking around, someone called my name. "Angela." I looked around to see who it was. Then suddenly I saw a guy waving his arms. "Oh um...hey?" I said curiously. "Hey are you Angela?" A man asked. "Yeah? Who are you?" I asked getting scared a little bit. (I don't know who San E is with so Ima just pick a random name.) "My name is Reggie. I'm San E's friend." He said holding his hand out. I was debating in my head whether to believe him or not. I mean I don't have any choice since I don't know Korean and I don't know how it goes. But he seems like a nice guy so...does it look like I have a choice? "I'm Angela. His girlfriend." I said holding my hand out to shake his hand. "So do you need any help?" He asked. "Well this is my first time in Korea so like I don't know. I'm trying to buy food here." I said. "I'll buy for you. It's ok." He insisted. "Ok." I picked out the food and drinks that i needed and he paid for me.

"So what brings you here to Seoul?" He asked while we were walking to his dorm. "Well I came here to surprise him." I said. "Really?" He said surprised. "Well yeah. I miss him and I want to spend time with him at least. Plus I just want to get away from the stress since I'm working on a album with my band and I." I said. "I understand. Well I'm glad your here." He said while smiling. "Thanks."

[Time Skip]
I finished taking a shower and went to the living room to watch TV. Reggie was on his laptop working on music. "Hey I just realized that tomorrow is thanksgiving." I said turning around to him. "Yeah..." He said. "So I was wondering...." I began. "How about I hide until thanksgiving and surprise him on that day." I said. He pondered. "Hey that might be a good idea, but we have to be sure he doesn't suspect a thing. So like try to stay quiet. Like you can come out but only when he's not here." He said cautiously. "Ok" I nodded. "So like sleep in the storage room. Don't worry it has a refrigerator, AC, extra bed and everything and I'll send you a text to come out whenever." "Ok". Then we shook each other's hand in agreement.

This is the longest part I've done 😱

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