Texting him

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Angela's POV
(In an abandoned house that we rented that has electricity and everything.)
I was rehearsing a new song with the band. It's called "Burned at Both Ends". (By motionless in white). This song is what we hold really close because it relates to us not knowing who we are and being lost in our identity or just being lost in general about life. When we were done rehearsing, I checked my phone if San E texted me. He send me 3 messages.

San E
Hey 😊

How u been?

Are you busy?

It was about 7:30 PM where I was and where he was is 8:30 AM since he went back to South Korea.
Aren't you suppose to be sleeping or something?"

San E
No I just woke up
Oh Ok 😊. Well I hope you had a good sleep.

San E
I did actually, now that I'm texting you.

I was blushing after I received that text, but I brushed it off. Having a big smile on my face, the guys noticed and had a big grin on their face. "Awe who's the lover boy?" Jason asked while putting his drumsticks away. "Shut up and none of you business" I told him hitting his arm playfully. "Plus he's not my lover. He's a friend." I added. "Ahh, 'a friend'." Andy quoted. "Can y'all stop, damn" I said. "Yo calm down were just teasing you." I calmed down a bit. I'm mostly the serious type when it comes to things that people say. I do take things serious and then I get people telling me "oh loosen up a little, your too stiff.", which really annoys me. Like I can play around and stuff but when it's time to get serious, that's when I'm serious. Especially when it comes to my career.

When we got in Jason's car, we decided to go to a bar for a few drinks. When we got in, we were greeted with familiar faces. Jenny, the waitress, Susan, the bartender, and Tom, the manager. They've been helping us ever since we even started this band. They've been hooking us up with equipment and everything. We were really grateful for what they've done for us. We wanted to do something for them in return but they told us we don't have to.

We got to our seats and we ordered beer. I've never drank beer so good thing I'm only drinking one bottle, really.

[time skip]
Jason was really drunk, Andy passed out, Bryan keeps poking my cheeks, which is annoying as fuck, and Rick was trying to flirt with other girls that already has a boyfriend. I literally sat there like "what the fuck". It was 11:00 and it was already getting late. I couldn't carry all of them to the car by myself so I asked Jenny, Susan, and Tom to help me. We carried all of them to the car and it was stressful, plus THEY'RE HEAVY AS FUCK. I took Jason's keys and turn the car on. Waved my goodbye and got out of the parking lot. "I can't believe I have to take care of y'all. Damn you guys reek of alcohol." I said quietly. Good thing they've passed out so they can't hear me.

I took them to Diana's house and then put the car in the garage with them in it so I can wake them up in the morning. I don't have time to drag them one by one. So I cleaned up and went to bed, checked my phone once again.

San E
I think your sleeping so text me when you wake up. Ttyl beautiful ❤️"'

"This guy is crazy" I thought chuckling.

I woke up and starting to stretch. "Yo idk if this is normal but...this is actually ok" I thought. I would always have random girls with me to pleasure my needs, but when I talk to Angela, I feel like I'm changing little by little. Now I basically don't go out a lot anymore or even drink. There's somethings special about her and I just can't put my finger on it. So I decided to text her. I picked up my phone from my nightstand and starting to text her.

hey 😊

how you been?

are u busy?

I waited for her text until minutes later, she texted me back. I grabbed my phone quickly and started to smile.

I don't know if it's love or something but this feeling is weird. I would always be happy every time we text, even though our time zones are different, we would always make it work to text each other. I haven't felt this way ever since my ex cheated on me with my best friend. So I'm trying to push these feelings away. But then I can't because it's different with Angela.

[San E and Angela unison in thought]
Maybe I am in love with her/him

So hopefully you like this part. I'll try to update as soon as I can. Which kinda means I'm not going to update like everyday. With school and tests coming up and everything, I can't really catch up.
So I might not update for a while until I get an idea or at least an inspiration. So till then, love you guys.

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