New Album, More Brutality

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Angela's POV
I'm so excited for making this new album. Reason why is because new music, and more brutality, according to my manager. He wants this album to be more brutal and more metal, which means I have to upgrade my voice to that level. It's not gonna be like death metal, but just more brutal heavy metal. I was anxious because the last time I tried to do it, I put so much pressure on my vocal chords that I almost lost my voice. So I decided to limit myself to what I can do and stick to that.

I went to Jason's house since he has all the equipment that we need to start. Mostly the process is...the band, they make melodies from their own imagination, records it, gives it to me, then I have to write a song out of it. I kinda suck at songwriting, but Jason is there to help me since most of the songs that we have, we wrote them together.

[At Jason's house]
The band and I were at the living room. Andy was on the computer editing the melody that the band made, Bryan and Rick brought food for all of us, and Jason and I was talking about our managers "interests" for this album. Our manager can be an asshole trying to push us pass our limits, especially on vocals, but somehow we still love him.

"So what should I do?" I ponder. "Well the manager says that it has to be brutal right?" Jason asked. "Yeah, but like how tho?" I asked. "I mean the bands that we listen to is kinda brutal" He said. "Like who? Nocturnal Bloodlust?" "Yeah like them." I looked at him crazy. "Do you know how his vocals are? Especially with his growls and his high pitch screams. I don't think I can do that." I said. "We can try." He said. I thought about it. "Ok I'll try but if it doesn't work them I'm sticking to what I'm good at and if the manager don't like it, oh well." I said. "Ok, we'll do it when we have time." "Ok".

[Time Skip]
All of us had everything planned the next time we meet. I will try to make my voice sound more brutal, Andy will continue editing the melody, and Jason will help me with my vocals. After we said our goodbyes, I went in my car and drove home. When I came home, San and Diana was watching "Nerve". "I'm home." I yelled. "Hey baby." San E came up to me and kissed me on the forehead. "How was your day?" He asked. "It was fine. Yours?" "It was good." He hugged me.

I walked pass him and hugged Diana from the back. "Hey boo boo." I kissed her on the side of her head. "Lolz really?" She said laughing. San E looked at me and laughed. "So how was your day with THE GAZETTE." I asked. "Girl" she began, pulling me to sit next to her. "Tell me how Uruha told me that he had a crush on me?" She asked. "OMG FORREAL?!?" I asked. "Hell yea. I was shocked." "And what did you say?" "I said yes because I had a crush on him too." "YESSSSS." I hugged her tightly. "Your boyfriend..YAASS u gotta let me meet him." "Ok Lolz chill. Ima go to the bathroom." She got up. Perfect opportunity for San E to be next to me. He had his arms around me, looked at me concerned. "Something on our mind?" He asked. "No I'm ok." I said. "Babe I know when something's up just by the look on your face and the tone of your voice. Come on tell me. I'll listen." He said playing with my red, curly hair. I explained everything that the manager talked to me about. And showed him how the vocals should be.
Nocturnal Bloodlust - Malice Against 👇👇👇👇 Can I tell y'all? THIS IS AN AWESOME SONG!!!!!

Wow that's crazy?" He said surprised. "Yeah but it's like I don't know if I could...I don't wanna lose my voice again, remember when I talked to you about that?" I looked up at him. "Yeah I remember don't stress yourself out about it. You have plenty of time." He insisted. "I know but...should I take the risk..even if it means losing my voice?" I asked. "Well I'm in no position to tell you what you should or should not do but all I can tell you is that you do what's best for yourself." He said. "Ok...that's means I have to work out more, warm up, and practice." I said to myself. "Well ima go to sleep." I yawned. "I love you." I kissed him on the cheek as I walked to my room. "I love you too." He said.

Hope you like this part. I know it kinda took long. But I'm trying to take my time and not rushing myself.

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