Mosh pit

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Angela's POV
Seeing San E was a shock. He smiled at me which was weird. "That bitch knew didn't he?" I thought when I smiled at him back. I continued singing Anger Management. When the song ended I decided to do something crazy. THE MOSH PIT. "This is gonna be interesting" I thought. I decided to do the mosh pit called "Wall of Death" (video above). I wanted to see how he'll react.

I gestured everyone to separate to leave a huge gap. "EVERYONE LISTEN UP. THE MOMENT WE START THE SONG, ITS YOU CUE TO GO AT IT AT EACH OTHER, OK? ARE YOU READY?" Everyone cheered, and San E was confused. So I decided to take his hand and drag him onstage to see it for himself. He was shocked on how huge the gap was.

She dragged me onstage out of nowhere. I kinda felt like my arm was pulled and my bone cracked so now my arm is loose and moving correctly. I was watching her guiding her fans to leave a very huge gap. "BRUH that's HUGE." I thought. "3....2....1....WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" (Immaculate Misconception by MIW) Angela screamed and the fans went at it at each other. I was scared, really to see that and looked at her like "Are you fucking crazy?!?." I know she's crazy but I like that about her. I went backstage to be safe. I saw her performed and the way she flips her hair, the way she screams, just gets me hype. So I did the craziest thing. I ran onstage and jumped to the mosh pit.

I was carried by a bunch of people holding me up. It's like I'm surfing but in a crowd of people. Then they guided me to the front so the security had to put me down. They carried me onto the stage next to Angela. While she was performing, she yelled at my ear, "HEADBANG WITH ME." "WHAT??" "Watch this. SO COME AND FUCKING GET US." She screamed and then started headbanging. It looked cool so I decided I do it too. The both of us, including the rest of the band and fans, we were headbanging in sync. It was like all of us was united. "PUT YOUR MIDDLE FINGERS IN THE AIR. OPEN YOUR MIND BEFORE YOU MOUTH!!!!" She screamed. I was shocked on how she screamed. "Holy shit" I thought.

[Time Skip]

Angela's POV
The band and I packed out things in the van so we can move to the next city. "Can you pass me my amp?" Andy asked. "Sure" I said while handing it to him. It was a good first day. The fans were nice, the bands were awesome to us, the energy was hype. Hopefully we get to feel that again the next city were going to. While I was helping the guys, I spotted San E with his phone. He had his belongings with him from the hotel that he was staying in since he's gonna be with us the entire summer. I've decided to scare him so I went up behind and just stand there. He turned around and got startled. "Oi you scared me" he said holding his heart. "Lolz sorry" I said. "So are you really going to be with me this entire tour" I asked. "Yeah I am. I'm happy actually" he said. "Why?" "Because I get to be with you" I look at him cringing. "Your so cheesy, stop it." I playfully hit his arm. "Well it's the truth." He admitted.

We started laughing for a while until..."Angela we gotta go come on." Jason yelled. You have to ruin the moment. I thought. We got in the van and went in the front. I was getting tired so I decided to put my head on his shoulder and leave it there. "He's comfortable" I thought as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

102 eyes. Thank you guys so much. I hope you enjoyed my reading and don't worry, the love birds will be more than friends soon, just give me time. Love you ❤️❤️❤️

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